Saturday, December 8, 2007



I’m fat, it’s McDonald’s fault. I made bad grades; it’s the teacher’s fault. I’m late for work; I’m not a morning person. I’m in debt; it’s the credit card company’s fault. I’m mad; it’s my husband’s fault. IT’S NOT MY FAULT!!!!

I can’t help it! I was born that way! It just happened! If she/he hadn’t said that! He/she did it first! If this hadn’t happened when I was a child! My Dad/Mom was an alcoholic, drug user, abusive, workaholic, cheater, liar and thief? I was raised in a bad environment! I wasn’t hugged enough as a child! I was hugged too much! I was in a hurry! I’m Irish, German, Scottish, Indian, Hispanic, Russian, Middle Eastern! I’m white, black, brown, red, green, purple! I’m poor! He’s just a man! I’m a woman! I’m Pentecostal, Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist! The devil made me do it! These are some of the excuses I’ve heard. I’m sure there are thousands more.

Some of my parent’s favorite sayings were, If she jumped off a bridge, would you too.” Or I’m not her mom/dad or In our family we have different rules.” I remember being so angry at how unfair everything was for me, yet so protected that my parents cared enough to say NO. Also, I was punished for disobeying. Believe me it wasn’t always a time out and never “Positive Diversion or Reinforcements.” Punishment was handed out swiftly and with a strong message that I wouldn’t soon forget.

Being raised in a Permissive Environment may be getting a little closer to a legitimate excuse. Children are being raised to be narcissistic. Parents treat their kids as if they are the center of the universe. How can the center of the universe do anything wrong? Children aren’t told their behavior is unacceptable. It might hurt their self-esteem. If children are spanked when they misbehave, they will turn in to abusers. If a child chooses to let their sin-nature show, reason with them by giving them the correct options. These theories appear in child-rearing books, written by authors that obviously never dealt with a 2, 5, 10, or 16 year old. As a result of parents raising their children based on psychological philosophy instead of Biblical philosophy, we have raised a generation of monsters.

Thursday, a young man walked into a mall and killed 8 people. His suicide note said “I just snapped.” Violence isn’t limited to young men; recent reports state that aggression on the rise in women. Previously, 1 woman for every 10 men was arrested for violence; it has now progressed to 1 woman for every 4 men. On Thursday a group of young women attacked a man on a subway because he accidently stepped on a foot. The young man who had been raised in a non-permissive environment said he did not fight back because his mother had taught him not to hit girls. IT WORKS!!!! Our kids can learn right from wrong, but these principles must be taught.

We may not want there to be any consequences for our actions, but the Bible clearly states that the opposite is true. Ezekiel 18:4 says “The man who sins shall die.” Choose life, take responsibility and let the Holy Spirit give you the power to change. Your children will thank you (eventually).

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