Saturday, December 22, 2007


The year was 1983, a chubby cheeked baby doll complete with yarn hair and a birth certificate was introduced to the world. It quickly became the top wish on every little girls Christmas list. Mothers and Fathers would rise up early and stand in long lines for the chance to bring home one of these highly coveted dolls. It became an item on the nightly news; reports of mother’s fighting over the last one on the shelf; newspaper ads offering the more affluent shoppers an opportunity to buy their own Cabbage Patch for a mere $500 to $1,000.

1995 brought Tickle Me Elmo. In the 21st century our wishes have moved into the electronic age. Our wish lists include HD flat screen televisions, I-Phones and something called Wii. Fox News reported that in one town more than a hundred people lined up to have the opportunity to purchase 1 of 18 Wii game consoles. A security guard selected the lucky shoppers to enter the store. The losers stomped off angry that their Christmas dreams were shattered.

Thankfully, these greedy, self-serving tales of Christmas are not reflective of the entire population. There have also been many reports of individuals and groups who have been able to capture the true Spirit of Christmas; the blessing we receive in giving. A church gives each congregant $50 to invest in something or someone; a bank bestows a $1,000 Christmas bonus on each employee with the stipulation that it must be used for a good cause, it cannot be given to a co-worker or family member and the employee is also given a video camera to document what they choose to do with the bonus. The most exciting report started with 1 person at a Starbucks drive thru window. That person paid for his coffee and the next person’s order, the next person paid for the one behind him and it continued throughout the day. This event has now continued for a week popping up in different cities across the U.S. The Wii brings a smile only to the lucky recipient and a frown to those unlucky empty handed shoppers, but giving to others brings a smile to the face of the recipient and a lasting sense of fulfillment to the giver.

It didn’t really start with a Cabbage Patch Doll, a Rubik’s Cube, I-Phone or any other “can’t live without” gadget that will be replaced with the “latest and greatest” in 6 months. The Spirit of Giving started over 2000 years ago with a Baby in a Manger. Isaiah said “For unto us a Son is born, and unto us a Child is given. John said “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son. The beautiful thing about God’s gift is that it isn’t available to just those with enough money, or those lucky enough to be first in line but as John 3:16 continues, “ That Whosever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. God’s gift is available for whoever will receive it today.

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