Sunday, December 2, 2007


It is 9:00, Sunday evening and I finally have a few minutes of time that belong exclusively to me. Yes, I am playing Grandma-mommy to Mackenzie and Madison this week. Phil and Holly are finally enjoying their long-awaited, much deserved cruise to the Bahamas. What a great time for relaxation and fun in the sun. The rest of us Michiganders awoke to a couple inches of snow, which has progressed from rain to freezing rain tonight.

It has been 27 years since I had a 3 year old and 18 month old. I don’t remember it being this exhausting. Maybe because at the time I was only 23 years old, maybe boys are easier, maybe because I was such an organized mom, RIGHT!!! It certainly wasn’t because I was less busy; we went to church 4 times per week. I can count on one hand the times we were late and on two hands the times we missed because of sick kids or inclement weather.

This morning was a piece of cake. Easy? No, that’s what I fed the kids for breakfast. Call them muffins if you want to, Madison and Mackenzie call them cake. Holly, if you are reading this, they also had some scrambled eggs and blueberries. I arrived at church with the two girls in tow at 9:45 instead of the usual 9:00. Partly because it took me that long to figure out how to buckle them in the car seats correctly and partly because I didn’t think our pre-service would be so spiritual, I could justify two kids running the aisles and shouting as praise to the Lord.

Nothing can match the feeling I had as I looked down at the smiling faces of my 3 grandchildren during the worship service. Madison cuddled up to grandpa trying to take it all in. Caleb, in his mother’s arms bounced to the music and cooed at his dad leading the worship. Mackenzie, standing by Aunt Jenesa was singing with the congregation. I’m not sure all the words she said, but I distinctly heard her say toward the end of the last song, “Let God, Let God, Arise.”
All three were in my Sunday School Class, the only three. I sat down in the middle of the floor and tried to teach about Noah; finally I just let them play with the ark, put together puzzles, then rocked Caleb to sleep.

I wasn’t brave enough to attempt our usual restaurant Sunday lunch. Macaroni and cheese, tater tots and chicken nuggets work just as well. A note to Holly, they also had corn, green beans and a few bites of a hastily ordered pizza. Then Mackenzie and I went to Wal-Mart for new “jammies” and all watched the football game to round out the day.

Finally, they are bathed, snuggled in warm new jammies and hopefully sound asleep, surrounded by an endless supply of stuffed animals. Yes, I am exhausted, but also thankful to have the opportunity to have that “mommy feeling” once again. To feel those little arms around my neck, a big wet kiss planted on my cheek and a little voice saying Grandma, I really love you. To go to Wal-Mart and Waldies (Aldi) with a little girl who can’t leave home without a tiara. To realize that it is much more fun to have two little girls performing in front of the TV then to have a clear view of the football game. To have Mackenzie jump up on my lap and share a bowl of ice cream, chocolate and vanilla at her request. Like Grandpa, she thinks this(the ice cream) helps her to have sweet dreams; I have a sneaking suspicion they discovered the secret. And finally, to read a bed time story, say their prayers and tuck them in safely for a few peaceful hours. The greatest gift God gives to parents is becoming grandparents. You get to relive your younger years, but thankfully, only for a week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are making me miss my two grandbabies-have a great time
this week. Love, Val