Thursday, December 20, 2007


Once again it is the Christmas Season; once again the “Merry Christmas” controversy rears its ugly head. We are greeted with Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas, town square no longer features the nativity scene, school children sing winter carols and a political ad becomes a news item because of its blatantly Christian message. Today we push Him aside when we forget to celebrate Him in our festivities.

In 1977 Joan Ewing wrote a song, with the words, “It’ll Be Different. “

The first time You cameTo a stable long ago
They pushed You aside
For they really didn't know
Who had come to their world
To save and to heal
So they followed You
And Your cross to the top of the hill

But it'll be diff'rent
The next time You come
Wait and see
You got a lot of lonely children
And one of them is me
You know we want to see You
We're never really at home
So if You're waiting to be invited
Lord Jesus please come

It is a beautiful song, but I wonder if society will be so different when Jesus comes the second time. The world seems at times to be a mirror-image of a world 2000 years ago. The Jews were looking for the long awaited Messiah, but couldn’t accept that the Messiah would come in a way that was outside their little box. Today our box consists of believing that the God we’ve created would never allow evil and suffering or require anything that differs from our selfish desires. Authors are writing books with titles like “God is Not Great” or “The God Delusion.” The great delusion is not the ignorant belief in God, Mr. Dawkins; it is the delusion that causes mankind to believe that we are okay on our own with no need of a Savior.

For some of us, thankfully, it will be different. Hebrews 9:28 says He will appear the second time to them that look for Him. Whether we say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, Jesus is going to return. We can ignore the nativity and celebrate with trees, lights, and Santa, you may skip Christmas altogether and go straight for Kwanza, but it will not stop His return. Jesus will RETURN the second time, but He will APPEAR only to those who are looking for Him. Jesus, the world isn’t so different from your birth, but this time you have a small welcoming party just waiting for the angel to herald your coming.

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