Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Robert Shields recently passed away. He left a 37.5 million word diary, chronicling his life every 5 minutes for 25 years. As Journalist Jim Shea stated, “If I am going to have anything to write about, I might have to do something. But then if I do something, how do I write about it every 5 minutes?” Perhaps Mr. Shields kept hoping something exciting would happen and he wouldn't want to forget even one little detail. Maybe he felt that life was so precious and every moment, no matter how mundane, was important. I can’t imagine reading about all the boring details of anyone’s life in 5 minute increments including my own. Especially not someone who had so little to do in life that he had time to record it every 5 minutes. However, in memory of Robert Shields, here is a snapshot of my exciting day.

Stumbled out of bed at 6:45 AM. Grandbabies are still asleep, but another one will be here at 7:30. Washed my face, brushed my teeth, hair (different brushes, I think), threw on the first outfit I could find. Poured a cup of hot coffee, took a few sips to wash down a vitamin. Prepared two bottles for Caleb, got a burp cloth and bib ready, set up his toys and made sure the wipes and diapers were handy. I know you can’t wait to keep reading. It is now 7:30 AM.

Caleb arrives at 7:40; Mackenzie appears at the top of the stairs to greet Aunt Jenesa. Park Caleb in front of toys, Mackenzie in front of TV. Thank God for Mickey Mouse Club. Scramble eggs for two little girls, couple more gulps of lukewarm coffee. Caleb is ready for his bottle. It is 8:15 AM.

Madison’s voice comes over the monitor. Grandma, Mackenzie and Caleb trail up the stairs to greet Madison. There is a method to my madness. 1 trip up and 1 trip down. Both girls are changed from PJ’s to regular clothes, dry diapers for all. Eggs and fruit for the girls, the rest of the bottle for Caleb. Change dirty diaper, Caleb goes down for AM nap, it is 9:30 AM.

My day continued with many of the same exciting events repeated over and over again. Juggled lunch for a 6 month, 17 month, 3 ½ year old. Made sure each one received often and equal hugs. Found time to use the facilities myself every few hours. Ate a snack on the run. Somehow was able to get two babies down for naps at the same time. It is 1:30 PM.

Washed the dishes, prepared the supper, played peek-a-boo, sang London Bridge, changed a landfill’s worth of soaked and dirty diapers, shared some ice cream, put two freshly bathed girls into pink jammies, read a story, said their prayers, gave goodnight kisses. It is 9:15 pm.

Thank God, this isn’t a typical day, it would be even more boring. There are few monumental days in our lives, and even fewer events that would be of interest to a jaded audience. But, I can go to sleep tonight knowing that the things I accomplished today and the things I deemed to unimportant to worry about made a difference in the lives of 3 precious little people who will always remember how much Grandma loves them.

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