Saturday, October 27, 2018



Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

A few years ago, I planted a garden with dreams of a great harvest.  By summer I would be enjoying juicy red strawberries, a salad of my very own tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, green beans just like Grandpa used to grow and my mouth literally watered at the thought of eating a sweet cantaloupe picked fresh that very morning.

I watered it daily, organically fertilized biweekly and pulled weeds faithfully as the beautiful plants begin to grown and fill with the blossoms that would turn into fruit. But the harvest was not quite what I had envisioned. The strawberries were small and I had to pick them before the bugs feasted.  The tomato plants stole all the sun from the pepper plants, so the peppers were shriveled with black spots, I picked enough green beans for 3 meals and the 1 cantaloupe rotted on the vine.  The tomatoes were abundant, however and I enjoyed them into October.

So it is with life….  In Galatians, we are promised a harvest but we are not promised the harvest of our dreams. The older you get, the more unrealized dreams that must be laid aside; understanding the stark truth that the time has passed.

You see I haven’t always been 60.  Once I too was young; I had visions, hopes and dreams of grandeur. I would be….; I would do….Invitations would arrive…Congregations would respond…My name would be….ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD, OF COURSE!

Days dawned, the years continued and time passed…no invitations…congregations responded but not in the way I envisioned…I didn’t do…I was not…no one knew my name, BUT GOD!
God still knew my name; He still had His plan for me in safekeeping…the Plan He had from the beginning.

A plan I would have never dreamed…no bright lights…no cheering fans…no name on the marquee…just a plan to show His love to those that are so desperate; to bring hope to the hopeless; to encourage those that can’t take another step…to write the things He drops in my spirit during our conversations.

So I look at 60 years of shattered dreams, plans and ambitions that I have traded for the contentment of knowing God’s Plans for me had a far greater purpose and I say with the Psalmist…

Psalms 84:10 For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.

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