Thursday, October 11, 2018



Matthew 24:38-39 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know, until the flood came and took them all away.  So also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

We watch as Hurricane Michael barrels toward the Panhandle of Florida and pray for our friends that reside in its path.  Reporters say the hurricane has been churning out in the ocean for days but up until the last couple of days, little attention has been paid to its pending landfall.  One man said, “It just “sorta snuck up” on us and now we are hurrying to prepare.”  One location, just this morning was beginning to board up windows, even though the first landfall is predicted to be this afternoon.
How did this happen?  Did it really just “sneak up” on Florida?  Were there no warnings; no signs?


 It seems more “important” news captured the attention of 24/7 news and the nation…A dramatic Supreme Court confirmation, accusation, additional hearing and finally a vote was taking place; a war of Democrats vs. Republicans was being fought vigorously, so the important warnings and necessary preparations were pushed aside UNTIL…pending disaster loomed on the horizon.

In reality, this is nothing new; every day, situations arise in the lives of men and women that just sorta “snuck up” on them…EXCEPT THEY DIDN’T!  There were warning signs; there were stop signs; there were flashing lights and sirens but they were all ignored until the pending disaster loomed on the horizon.

We become so concerned with acquiring the newest, best item that will make our life even more awesome.  The latest Washington scandal, outrage at the opposite political party and anyone who doesn’t agree with us, fills our social media pages.  Or maybe we are just going through the motions of life and fail to see the storm that has been building and is fast approaching.

Believe me when I say, THERE IS A STORM CHURNING; it is fast approaching and will affect every living person.  Satan would like to distract you so that the warning signs become buried in more exciting pursuits and ultimately ignored until the time for preparation has passed.
Romans 13:11 And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.


It is high time to start “sand bagging” your house, so that the flood waters of this world will not overflow. “Board” up the windows of your heart; don’t allow even a small crack where doubt can infiltrate your faith.  Check your “storehouse,” are the supplies dwindling?  The Holy Spirit has a vast supply; stock up.  It is time to move to “Higher Ground” in God…


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