Saturday, October 27, 2018



Ephesians 1:13-14 In whom you also trusted, after that you heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your Salvation; in whom also after that you believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His Glory.

The Lottery goes over a billion dollars and Lottery Fever is at an all time high again. The current odds of making all your wildest dreams come true by holding the winning ticket are 1 in 302,575,350, but that has not stopped millions of people from standing in long lines, believing this quote from one of their beloved philosophers, “So you’re telling me there’s a chance.”

After being in church yesterday, enjoying the glorious presence of the Lord, singing “When We All Get To Heaven” and discussing our strong belief in the Coming of the Lord, we stopped by 7-11 to get a refreshing fountain drink…BIG MISTAKE!!!

7-11 was more packed than the small church at which we had just ministered.  Not being a lottery participant, I assumed everyone must of have a “Big Gulp” craving until I made my way through the line at the register and noticed it wasn’t a cup of ice cold Coke they were holding but every person was clutching a little piece of paper filled out with the “winning” number.

I didn’t get my Big Gulp because my “waiting” genes have long ago atrophied but I did wonder what would happen if I suddenly got on my “soap box” and declared that I had a proposition that was so certain, there were no odds; they were sure to be a winner.

They day I decided to follow Jesus, I became a WINNER…Oh not of Life’s Lottery but of Eternal Life with a 100% guarantee.  And best of all I don’t have to HOPE I have the winning numbers or that my ticket is picked…No, God has given me the “Earnest of my inheritance” now, “loads my day with benefits and assures me the “best is yet to come.”

I feel sadness for a people that are willing to put their hope in a long shot of extreme wealth but reject the surety of the promises of God. Yes, I am 100% , unashamedly convinced that Jesus is preparing a place for me and all that love His glorious appearance and are looking for Him to return.

Over 2000 years ago, my ticket was bought and paid for and I have been enjoying my winnings for 52 years and I am guaranteed that there is an endless supply for this life and throughout all eternity. 

Have you received your ticket yet, it is free for the asking and there is one with your name on it.  Don’t lose it; guard it with your life.  It can’t be copied or counterfeited and there is only one place it can be obtained.  BEST OF ALL…There are no long lines or waiting times!

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