Saturday, October 13, 2018



Matthew 16:9 Do you not yet understand or remember the five loaves of the five thousand and
how many baskets you took up?

I was nudged out of a restful sleep, early this morning, with these words, “HAVE YOU NOT KNOWN?” I fell back to sleep for a couple of hours but wide awake now and the words simply will not leave me alone.

My mind goes back to just a few days after the disciples had partaken in a miracle in which 5,000 people were fed with a little boy’s lunch, the disciples had once again forgotten to take bread. Jesus says, “Beware of the leaven of Pharisees and Sadducees.” The disciples assume He is talking about their lack of food. With a little exasperation, Jesus says to them in Matthew 16:9, “Do you not understand?”

God has performed so many wonderful things in my life, yet when another crisis comes along, the worry and fear take over and doubt creeps in as I consider the future that awaits me. Jesus must look at me and say, “Have you not known?” “Do you not understand?” “I AM your provider…I AM your comfort…I AM your healer…I AM your direction…I AM your Savior…I AM…


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