Thursday, January 14, 2016


James 2:17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Sometimes it may seem like just a freezing, cold morning and a dreaded trip to Meijer on icy roads, but as you whisper, “Jesus” when an impatient driver passes you, God is preparing you to encourage one of His dear ones.

I usually go to the self-check lane but today, there was NO ONE in the full-service lane and the clerk was just waiting for ME.  She mentioned she was trying to do something for herself to feel better and I opened my mouth.  I told her how a quote by my friend Wayne Holmes, changed my thinking and started me on my 5 month journey (5 months today) to health and losing 45 pounds.

In his message, Wayne stated, “Faith is us cooperating with God.”  The light went on and I realized that my prayers for healing were in vain if I refused to “cooperate with God.” As I have begun to do what I can do, God is doing what only He does; my health has returned and the weight has come off faster than in all my “dieting experience.”

It works in every area of your life.  Whatever you need today, PRAY about it and then COOPERATE WITH GOD…you will be amazed.  My lovely clerk wrote down the quote, gave me a hug and thanked me for encouraging her today…Continuing my journey, cooperating with God is turning out to be quite an adventure.

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