Thursday, January 14, 2016


Genesis 22:8 And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering;” so they went both of them together.

Are you facing an uncertain situation? Are you in need of provision and just cannot imagine how this need will be covered? Have you been obedient? Have you been faithful? First let me assure you that a Lottery Ticket or Publisher’s Clearing House is not the answer to your need.

This morning, as I pondered an unexpected expense that Steve and I are facing, I heard these words spoken to my spirit and declared them aloud to Steve, “GOD WILL PROVIDE.”

As Born-again Believers, we love to repeat the story of Abraham, Isaac and their trek up the mountain without a sacrifice. We love the significance of Abraham’s prophetic uttering to Isaac in Genesis 22. And we believe that Jesus was the LAMB OF GOD, the supreme provision for our salvation. If we can believe that God has provided for our salvation, why do we hesitate to believe that He will provide for all other needs, no matter how great or small?

Could it be that we do not doubt God and His faithfulness but knowing all the facts, we doubt our own faithfulness to God? Look at the last line of Genesis 22:8, “SO THEY WENT BOTH OF THEM TOGETHER.” Abraham didn’t turn back when faced with a difficult question; he continued on. He didn’t waver because he didn’t see the provision for his need; he continued on. Abraham not only had supreme confidence in the faithfulness OF God but he had determined in himself that he would be faithful TO God.

FAITHFULNESS to God can begin today with your OBEDIENCE!!! Whatever you are facing, whatever the need, determine in your heart, “I WILL BE FAITHFUL TO GOD”…and continue on.

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