Monday, January 25, 2016


As I slowly reached consciousness, this morning, this phrase popped in my mind; “I HEAR THE SOUND OF ABUNDANCE OF RAIN.” 

Ok, let me be clear…I live in the frozen north where at 28 degrees; there is NO rain to hear.  In fact this morning, there is not even the “sound of falling snow”…there is only the sound of silence…NOTHING.

It may seem that is the way your life is going lately…You keep waiting on God to POUR IT OUT, but there is NOTHING; just the sound of silence.  That is exactly how the servant of Elijah saw and heard in 1Kings 18.

Elijah had declared a drought for an unspecified time and he had just won a contest with the prophets of Baal.  God had sent fire from Heaven and consumed Elijah’s prepared sacrifice, proving He was God.  The prophets of Baal had been executed and it was time for the DROUGHT TO END.

1Kings 18:41 Then Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain.

Then in verse 43, tells his servant to go up and look.  The servant comes back and says, “THERE IS NOTHING.”  Not only was there NO SOUND, there wasn’t even a cloud. 

But ELIJAH HAD HEARD FROM GOD…he sent the servant back 7 times and finally the servant returned with this report in verse 44; “There is a cloud the size of a man’s hand.”  That was all Elijah needed.  He told Ahab, “Prepare your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.”

So this morning, “I HEAR THE SOUND OF ABUNDANCE OF RAIN.”  You may see only a tiny cloud in a sea of blue, as you look up, but it is time to PREPARE YOUR CHARIOT, God is preparing your blessing and ITS GONNA RAIN!

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