Thursday, January 14, 2016


Unless you have been living off the grid or enjoying a major snooze-fest over the last few days, you have been caught up or at least unavoidably aware of “POWERBALL MANIA.”  The lines have snaked around the block, millions of tickets have been sold, and imaginations have soared at the thought of being the recipient of $1.5 million.  FINALLY, 11:00 p.m. EST, Wednesday, January 14, 2016, 5 white numbers and 1 red Powerball number were drawn.  Millions of people, clutching their paper dreams, watched intently for 5 seconds before their fantasies dissolved into nothingness…they hadn’t chosen the winning numbers.  There were 3 winning tickets purchased and I, of course was not one of them because as everyone knows, “YOU CAN’T WIN IF YOU DON’T BUY A TICKET!” 

WHY?  Why didn’t I join the hopeful line, hand over my $2 or $10 or $50 for a chance to live a dream?  What factors went into making my decision? Was it my conservative upbringing?  Am I just too cheap?  Am I too sensible to enjoy a 5 second dream?  Did I think I would be sinning?  Maybe some or all the above mentioned went into my decision or maybe none of the above.  SO WHY?

DISCLAIMER:  This is not an indictment against anyone who chose to buy a ticket or 2 or 10, this is what I’ve settled in my heart over the years of trusting in God.  Now that you have been warned, read at your own risk of having to admit you may agree with me…just a little.

First, I am NOT A LEGALIST.  I was raised ultra-conservative and taught that any gambling, whether playing the slots at a casino, betting on the horses, buying a lottery ticket or even a raffle ticket is definitely a sin…I leave the choice up to the individual and the consequence between them and God.

I have heard many of the arguments justifying participation in a fun night at the casino, participating in an office sports playoff-pool, betting on fantasy football or purchasing lottery tickets.

“I consider it entertainment, no different than going out to eat, enjoying a movie or attending a ballgame; actually a lot less expensive.

“I would waste that much money on something else, anyway.”

“The Bible says, the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous.” 

“The disciples cast lots to choose the replacement for Judas.”

“Perhaps this is the way God will provide for my need.”

“I will definitely pay my tithes on my winnings.”

Usually, anything you have to justify deserves a second look and thoughtful consideration, so why try to justify your decision?  If you want to buy a ticket, JUST DO IT!


Many years ago, I came to the knowledge that as a Child of God and a recipient of His Grace, God was the source of all blessing.  He alone was my provider and I made the decision to be thankful for all things, ways and situations in which God chose to bless me.  Having made this decision one of my “CORE VALUES,” my reasoning to not buy a ticket flows from that commitment.


How would I change?  It is undeniable that going from nothing or even a comfortable income to multi-millions would definitely change a person; no one could possibly continue the same thinking, outlook or lifestyle.  Not all change is bad and not all change is good, but since I cannot know which changes would affect me, I choose to not buy a ticket.


Would my thankful heart slowly harden into one of privilege, elitism and unthankfulness?  Our dependence on God is many times fueled by need…If I never have a need, why would I need to depend on God as my provider.  Sure, He is the source of all things and “every good and perfect gift” comes from Him, but would that knowledge slowly fade when everything my heart desired was within my grasp?


Would my focus change from things above to things of earth?  That much money brings increased responsibility.  Experts advise that the winner’s first decision is to hire a good Tax Lawyer.  Suddenly, your focus is what do I do with that much money; where do I invest; how do I protect myself from predators; what about the myriad of relatives demanding their part; how do I maintain friendships?  As you can see my time would be consumed with decisions regarding my “blessing.”  Would I have time to minister to the lost and hurting, could I just sit a while in the Presence of God, listening to His still small voice or would there be papers to sign, vacations to take and houses to furnish.  Would my focus change if I held the winning ticket?


Luke 17 tells the story of a man who became very rich and his decision regarding his abundance.

Luke17:12-20 And he thought within himself, saying, what shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, this will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.  20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee, then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?   

In this parable, Jesus speaks of a man who decided to BUILD A BIGGER BARN.  There he could store his riches and draw on them to satisfy any selfish desire of which he could dream.  There is no mention of sharing or blessing anyone else…OH NO!!! He intended to “eat, drink and be merry.”  Only one thing he had forgotten to include in his plan; EVERYONE DIES!!!  God asks him one more question, “Who is going to enjoy all these things you have amassed once you die?” 

Most of us hope to leave something to our children, whether a life insurance policy or other property, but DO OUR CHILDREN REALLY NEED BIGGER BARNS? I worked diligently to instill Godly values into my children as they matured.  Values of honesty, hard work, love God and your neighbor, kindness, integrity and taking responsibility for all that God asks you to do.  That is the legacy I want to leave to my children rather than great riches…money can be spent, wasted and lost but Godly values will sustain you throughout the storms of life.  MY CHILDREN DON’T NEED BIGGER BARNS!

Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord makes one rich
and He adds no sorrow with it.

So I made the decision, I didn’t buy a ticket.  I made the decision to continue to look to God as my provider.  He knows exactly what we have need of before we ask…He also knows what we have NO NEED of and our “lack” could be an unrecognized blessing.

If you bought a ticket, I hope that you won, gave liberally to your church and all your dreams came true.  I look around the modest domain I call home and realize that ALL MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE AND I AM RICH.

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