Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Romans 15:14 Now I myself am confident concerning you, my brethren, that you also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another.

One of the hardest battles we face is that of humility vs. arrogance.  It is a battle that must be fought daily and with vigilance, especially as we grow in revelation and relationship with Jesus Christ.  It would seem that the closer we get to God, humbleness would become a natural state of being in the Light of His Absolute Holiness.  But unfortunately humility is not a natural human attribute; humility involves denying and crucifying our flesh…now you understand the battle.

It is easy to have pride in the Awesome Revelations we have received as we pursue further understanding and knowledge of God and His Word.  It can even rise to the level of declaring, “I have the Truth;” as if anyone could contain God.  This prideful declaration, if not immediately taken captive, will lead to a lack of confidence in the relationship that our brother or sister has with God.  It is reflected when we believe WE ARE RIGHT and THEY ARE WRONG, using that belief to manipulate or exclude them based on their different interpretation of scripture.

Sure there are ABSOLUTES contained in the scripture and ABSOLUTES by definition do not allow room for differing interpretations, but before we exclude anyone, let us be sure that WE ARE THE ONES THAT ARE CORRECT.  That can only come through humbling ourselves in prayer, study of the Word and then listening to the Voice of God.  A funny thing happens, when we go through this “exercise of verification,” we no longer want to exclude anyone but rather through a newly found patience, share the wonderful truths we have received.

As we read the Epistles, no one would dispute the great revelation given to the Apostle Paul.  I believe that his writings reveal the daily battle to stay humble.  He was, of course, aided in the fight by a “thorn in the flesh.”

2 Corinthians 12:7 And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure.

Perhaps it was this intimate knowledge of his battle that gave him the courage to declare in Romans 15:14 (paraphrased) “I am CONFIDENT in your relationship with Jesus Christ.  The Holy Ghost has filled you with goodness and all knowledge so that you can encourage and exhort each other to follow God.”

For a congregation or indeed The Church to be healthy, it is imperative that as Paul stated in Romans 15, we must begin to HAVE CONFIDENCE in the salvation and relationship of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.  Humbling ourselves before God will allow us to begin to TRUST one another to God. Remember the BATTLE IS NOT with your brother or sister; it is with YOURSELF!!!

“You’re my brother; you’re my sister, so take me by the hand.  Together we will work until He comes.  There’s no foe that can defeat us when were walking side by side.  As long as there is love we will stand.”

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