Thursday, April 18, 2019



James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy, with good fruits and without partiality and without hypocrisy.

Ahhh, Facebook!  Just this morning, I listened to a beautiful song on Mercy and read an article regarding a stupid decision by a youth pastor that has now been reported on the national news.

What do those two have in common?  EVERYTHING!

I wonder what would happen; how MY viewpoint would change; what MY judgment would be if I substituted MY NAME for the name of the “Perp” in the news stories, Facebook posts or repeated stories that come my way.

How embarrassing that one of the worst decisions of your life becomes a headline for everyone to see, shake their heads and pronounce judgment.  Most of my dumbest choices have been either secret or between a few people and are now safely under the Blood where even an extensive background check couldn’t uncover them.

Thankfully, the worst moments in my life have not become my identity…BECAUSE OF MERCY!
Oh I deserved criticism; I deserved judgment and even punishment…BUT MERCY!

King David?  Substitute Susan.  Jonah?  Substitute Susan.  Peter?  Substitute Susan.  The thief on the Cross?  Substitute Susan.  Saul/Paul?  Substitute Susan…All received Mercy.


What if there had been Facebook 2000 years ago?  What if their story had made the National News?  You may say, “Their story made the Bible and that’s way bigger than the National News.”  Yes it did and Yes it is, BUT, in the Bible, we read their decisions; their stories through the filter of MERCY!

So the next time I hear an unsavory story, I think I’ll slip on my Mercy Glasses and change the name to Susan and pray for redemption.

1Timothy 1:16 However for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.


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