Monday, April 29, 2019



Psalms 119:89 Forever, Oh Lord, your word is settled is settled in Heaven.

“A Rhema word is never separated from the Logos.” (Bishop C. Wright)

Just because something “sounds good” does not make it “good news” or gospel .  Too many times, a word is spoken from the pulpit that sounds good.  The “sounds good” word inspires the listening preacher to take it back and speak it to his congregation and the next Sunday, the visiting preacher to that congregation speaks it 3 Sundays later to the congregation in his state and suddenly doctrine has been established.

How do you think the Christian religion has strayed so far from the Doctrine given by Jesus to and established by the Apostles and practiced by the Book of Acts Church.  Some of the early “church fathers” tried to “explain,” according to their own thinking and to make it more relevant.  It “sounded good” so their “disciples” began to preach the new thinking, adding their own thinking and eventually we have false doctrine from a Rhema word that was established by perverting the Logos.

A Fearful and Awesome burden lies upon the shoulders of every man and woman that steps into the pulpit this morning or any place or time to proclaim the Gospel.  The “foolishness” and the “silliness” should be relegated to the Fellowship Hall, NOT the sanctuary and certainly NOT during the proclaiming of God’s Word.

My soul doesn’t need a “Cute Sermon;” I am hungry for a Rhema Word confirmed by the Logos.
If the spoken word is in conflict from the established, written Word, it is not from God…refuse it…It is flesh not Spirit.

God Himself established His Word forever and it is enough!

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