Monday, August 8, 2016


Ezra 3:12 But many of the priests and Levites and heads of the fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first temple, wept with a loud voice when the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes.  Yet many shouted aloud for joy.

Have you ever been in the middle of the darkest moment of your life?  Actually, maybe you are looking at Life lying in broken ruins all around your feet.  THEN SUDDENLY, you find yourself laughing at the most inane memory.  God has just provided a little JOY FOR THE MOMENT.  Life is made of MOMENTS and moments pass but each one contains just a little bit of JOY, if we allow God to enter the moment with us.

Finally, the time had come, after 70 years of captivity, unable to worship in Jerusalem, as commanded; in the second month of the second year, the builders laid the foundation of the Temple of the Lord.  What a time of rejoicing.  Ezra 3 records that the priests stood in their apparel with trumpets and the Levites with cymbals.  They sang responsively, praised and gave thanks to God.  Oh the joy, the Israelites, once again could worship in Jerusalem. 

Ezra 3:8 tells us that Levites, 20 years and older, were appointed to oversee the work, so there must have been many young Israelites who were born in captivity and have never had the opportunity to travel to Jerusalem to worship or celebrate the Jewish feasts and had certainly NEVER witnessed the glory and splendor of the first temple.  They had heard the stories of Solomon’s dedication of the Temple, when the fire came down from Heaven and consumed the sacrifice.  They tried to picture the moment when the Glory of God filled the Temple, so much that the priests could not even enter to perform their duties.  How they longed for THEIR MOMENT, their chance to minister before the Lord; in the Temple; in Jerusalem.  TODAY, was a new beginning; a time of hope; a time of expectation; a time to rejoice…the foundation of the Temple was in place.

BUT…not everyone was under 70.  Some had been there; they had ministered before the Lord in Jerusalem; they had seen the Glory of the first temple and they could not rejoice.  Ezra 3:12 tells us that the “Old Men who had seen the first temple, WEPT WITH A LOUD VOICE.”

WHAAAAT???? Where’s the celebration; the fireworks; the jubilation; the cheers?  You have returned from captivity.  The foundation has been laid; hope is alive and you are CRYING because it isn’t “Yesterday’s Blessing?”  The “Old Men” had fallen into the iron jaws of the “I CAN’T SEE WHAT I HAVE BECAUSE MY EYES ARE FOCUSED ON WHAT I DON’T HAVE” TRAP.  They’re MOURNING OF THE PAST was causing them to miss the JOY OF THE MOMENT!

What about you?  Ever fallen into that same trap?  I have.  Too often I’ve missed the “party;” the time of rejoicing because my mind couldn’t get past “WHAT WAS NOT!”  I was MISSING THE JOY OF THE MOMENT because I was MOURNING THE PAST OF WHAT HAD BEEN. 

Perhaps your life has changed and you find yourself at a place, not of your own choosing.  Life wasn’t supposed to turn out this way; you had it all planned.  You see no “glory” in your future; at least not as glorious as past events.  Maybe you are encountering health issues, the loss of a career, a loved one, or even a ministry.  Possibly, like me, God is taking you into a new season.  And instead of “walking forward in happy anticipation,” God is “dragging you, kicking and screaming” as you desperately cling to the remnants of the joyous prior season.  BELIEVE ME when I say, “your refusal to let go of the GLORY OF WHAT WAS will blind your eyes to the JOY OF THE MOMENT.”

Open your hands, LET IT GO!!!  Ask God to OPEN YOUR EYES to the blessings He is preparing for you TODAY! 

REJOICE AND AGAIN I SAY REJOICE! The old “building” may be lying in ruins but God has just finished “laying a new foundation.”  Put on your “Garments of Praise;” grab that tambourine and shake it; it is time to celebrate…you may have judged that your new situation will never be as glorious as the old but if you will make the choice to join the “party,” you will FIND THE JOY OF THE MOMENT.

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