Friday, August 26, 2016


Jude 24 Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy,

I can put on a brightly colored shirt and I’m good for the day but let me choose a white one and I will spill coffee, salsa or whatever I choose to cook or eat.  So it was not unusual to get out my trusty Spot Remover when I spotted two little pinpoint spots on my favorite, double-layer tee.  I confidently sprayed the spots, rubbed the solution in to the fabric and started a white load of laundry.  But ALAS, pulling the shirt out of the dryer I noticed the spots, still there and they had not even faded.

This time I would show NO MERCY.  Taking my bottle of Spot Remover AND Detergent, I headed for the sink to scrub out the offending stain.  As I scrubbed, I noticed that the stain kept changing shape but never faded or got any smaller.  I REFUSED TO BE DEFEATED.  Pulling up the first layer of fabric, I realized that the spots were on the second layer…AHA, VICTORY WOULD BE MINE!!!  Then my mind comprehended what my eyes refused to see…it was not a stain at all but IT WAS JUST A FUZZ!!!

Oh how easy it is, at times, to focus on a perceived stain, marring our Life’s Garments.  We trust that the Blood of Jesus has removed every stain and washed us “white as snow,” yet it seems we are constantly spilling or dripping or picking up unknown spots along the journey.  Can I ever stay clean?  Will I be able to stand before God with no wrinkles or spots staining my garments?  Can I be careful enough?  Can I be good enough?

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Satan would like to convince you that if you would give up this or stop that; if you would talk less and think more; if you would just be like them or had “theirs,” then those “SPOTS” would stop coming  to the surface.  “THE DEVIL IS A LIAR.”  The moment you allowed the BLOOD OF JESUS to be applied to your life, your GARMENTS BECAME SPOTLESS because of HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!  AND…His Blood has NEVER lost its power to KEEP YOU SPOTLESS!!!

Look just a little closer at that SPOT that continues to give you grief…maybe IT IS JUST A FUZZ.  God has a HOLY LINT BRUSH for that; use it.  You trusted Him to WASH you “white as snowNOW trust Him to keep you CLEAN. 

Flick off the fuzz and have an awesome day serving God.

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