Saturday, August 13, 2016


Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

A little reminder popped up on my phone this morning…It has been one year since Steve and I began our Journey to Health.

As all of you who read my blogs or heard me speak at Camp Unity know, it began with God speaking to me about “COOPERATING WITH HIM.”  Those words became my focus and daily decision.  During that time, God has not only healed me but delivered me from my dependence on “sleep aids.”  And it all begin with me simply making the decision to SURRENDER my will, SUBMIT my desires and OBEY God’s perfect plan for my life…which really IS NOT that simple to put into practice, at all.

GOD IS FAITHFUL, He has continued to do His part.  BUT, God always GOES BEYOND what we think, ask for or can even imagine.  As I stated at Camp, “GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU AT THE POINT OF REVELATION.” 

As He leads you forward, He will continue to REVEAL more truths to you and UNVEIL more of His perfect plan.  God has continued to perform this in my life, just as I think I have finally conquered one area of discipline, God leads me to another area that requires more commitment to discipline.

A couple of weeks ago, at Camp Unity, God begin to convict me about discipline in another area of my life. (I’m not brave enough to share all the details, yet, but I probably will in the future because it is an area in which I believe many of us are struggling.)  Each level of discipline that God has led me to, has been a little harder than the previous level. 

After a “soul-stirring” message on Tuesday morning, by Chris Rowe on finding the time to pray and hear from God, my “nest” was stirred.  God  reminded me of something He had been dealing with to get straightened out in my life, for some time.  I had been pushing the nagging aside…OK, I was flat out IGNORING what I knew God was saying to me.  This day, however, God said, “NOW!!! THE TIME IS NOW!”  If I ignored God on this day, I knew my failure to COOPERATE WITH GOD would have undesired consequences.

I began the “task of surrender.”  The tears of repentance started falling and then I felt an actual “wrenching” as God began to dig at the roots.  I sat down, bent over as I experienced actual pain that went from my stomach clear up to my throat; surrender is not a “piece of cake.”  It doesn’t taste good and it hurts our flesh, but OH THE JOY when our will is broken.

The last couple of weeks have NOT been easy; several times a day, I remind myself to COOPERATE WITH GOD!  But GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!  My “Song in the Night” has returned; I feel inspired to write with more frequency and there is HOPE of all that God is leading Steve and me toward in this new season.

God has given Steve and I a new teaching series, “ME COOPERATING WITH GOD.”  It deals with all the different areas of our life; what God says about them and how we can COOPERATE WITH GOD as we journey forward.  If you would like to hear my complete testimony or your church could benefit from this teaching series, contact me or Steve and we will be happy to come.

1 comment:

InlovewithHim said...

Have you put this series on media that can be ordered?