Wednesday, May 28, 2014


It was one of those beautiful sunny days with a brilliant blue sky that makes you want to just go somewhere or do something special.  On my way home from the mall, I approached the light at an intersection I have stopped at many times, intending to go straight down the road, once the light changed to green.  But this time was different.  The colorful signs on the corner invited me to turn; the unknown road beckoned me to discover its secrets and so I did.  What wonderful sights would I see?  What hidden treasures would I find?  What great adventure lay ahead?  The few interesting shops were soon left behind for a few medical offices and then only empty fields.  HOW DISAPPOINTING!!!!  There was no adventure to be found.  Finally I turned into the one lone gas station, pulled out and headed home, straight down the old familiar road.
As we journey down life’s long road, we will come to many intersections. Some will offer bright lights and promise unknown adventures. You may feel as if you are in a rut; life has become mundane and going “straight” down the road on your journey home seems SO BORING! Before you take a detour, STOP, THINK and LISTEN.  STOP…do you really have time to be distracted by a few flashing neon signs?  THINK…what if there is nothing waiting but empty fields?  LISTEN…what is the Holy Spirit whispering to your heart? 

So many dear ones have turned down the irresistible “Road Never Taken” only to find it is just a road of false hope and empty fields.  Sadly, they never find the right place to turn around as they travel further and further from home.  They hope that around the next curve or over the next hill they will find the excitement they crave, but mile after mile, there are only empty, desolate fields.  Some have finally “run out of gas” and stopped to rest among the barrenness, lost and alone.  But that doesn’t have to be the “End of the Story.”
Although the “Mystery of the Unknown” is overwhelmingly inviting, don’t lose your focus; keep driving straight ahead.  If you have already turned, only to find the beckoning road is bleak and lonely, TURN AROUND NOW!  This road was NEVER meant to be taken.  There is still time to make it home before the darkness closes in.  The “Lights of Home” are shining brightly and there you will find everything for which your heart has been longing.

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