Monday, May 5, 2014


I am always a little suspect of Preachers, Speakers, Bloggers or Facebook Posters who never have a bad day, never make a wrong choice and have a way of looking down their collective noses at those of us who are not so perfect.  Get off your self-built pedestal; GET REAL!!!  To all my readers, my blogs are the images I view in my mirror, of human faults and failings surrounded by God’s endless mercy and grace.
For several months I have been struggling with an issue.  It has been the subject of many discussions with Steve, usually ending with me weeping in despair.  Many nights I have sprinkled my pillow with tears and many mornings have found me on my knees in supplication.  I have made many suggestions to God that I believe would really improve the situation.  Although, I’m sure God was listening to all my amazing ideas, He didn’t seem to want to try any of them.  FINALLY, this weekend, I saw a glimmer of light and realized God has been working on things without my help.  WONDERFUL!!!!  I am dancing and rejoicing…well, ok, I know I should be…it would be the right thing.

Truthfully, instead of sitting on “top of the world” or feeling as if a great weight had been lifted, I felt completely deflated.  WHAT AM I GOING TO PRAY ABOUT NOW?  For months, I have held this problem close; I have caressed it as I wept and pleaded for God to intervene.  It has provided many hours of conversation and solution development but even more important, it has provided wonderful EXCUSES FOR MY OWN INADEQUACIES AND LAZINESS.  What a comfort it is to be able to say, Well at least I don’t…” or “I just don’t understand; I could never...”  Isn’t it just like God to snatch my beautifully formulated excuses right out from under my nose?  WHAT WILL I PRAY ABOUT NOW?   How about forgiveness?  YES, this morning found me on my knees repenting and God was not only listening, this time He answered.  HOW GREAT THE FATHER’S LOVE FOR US!!!
A favorite Bible story for Sunday School kids is that of “Jonah and the Whale.”  We learn that God commanded Jonah to go and tell the inhabitants of Nineveh to repent or be destroyed.  Jonah disobeyed and boarded a ship bound for Tarshish instead; there was a big storm, Jonah was thrown overboard, swallowed by a whale, spent 3 days in the whale’s belly, was regurgitated on to dry land, and ultimately obeyed God by preaching in Nineveh.  The story doesn’t end with the Sunday School version, however.  After Jonah preached, all of Nineveh, even the animals fasted.  The people repented and God relented.  Jonah 3:10 Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.

Like any “Preacher of Righteousness,” Jonah was on the mountaintop rejoicing and praising God; RIGHT?  NOPE, Jonah felt just a little deflated, as we read in Jonah 4:1-2 But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he became angry. 2 So he prayed to the Lord, and said, “Ah, Lord, was not this what I said when I was still in my country? Therefore I fled previously to Tarshish; for I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm.  I find it amusing that Jonah is angry with God for showing mercy until I take a look in God’s mirror and see, not Jonah but my distraught face.  I see my own lips mouthing the words of Jonah, “God, it is just like you, after I’ve prayed all these months, you provide a solution.  I knew you would do something like that.  Now what will I pray about?”
There must be times when God looks down, shakes His head, rolls His eyes and asks, “will she ever learn?”  God says to Jonah in verses 4 and 9 “Is it right for you to be angry?”  Then He graciously repeats the question to me and reminds me that Jonah didn’t have himself for an example; I should know better.  So I repent, God forgives and I rejoice.  As to the question, “NOW WHAT WILL I PRAY ABOUT?”  My email just sounded and sure enough; something important to pray about! 

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