Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I find the excitement of shopping for a new purse rivaled only by shopping for new shoes.  My dressing room has shelves dedicated to purses and the only good reason to thin out my collection is because it is time to replace an outdated or worn out bag with a new one. 

As I removed, rearranged and made room for new arrivals, the many adventures attached to each purse came flooding back.  The lovely wedding, a relaxing vacation, a coveted new Spring ensemble, a color I just could not do without and the flower-splashed bag that is always sure to garner compliments.  

The only one not found in the jumbled array is my favorite, serviceable black leather purse.  It sits on a chair, ready to be of service at a moment’s notice.  It is a bit scuffed, the shoulder strap has a few threads needing to be clipped and there is even a smudge of dirt on the side.  If you look inside, you will find the usual wallet, glasses, and lip gloss; but you will also find a toy soldier and a fruit snack from the grandkids, a few used tissues and crumpled receipts, breath mints and scraps of paper containing “blog” notes from observations during my adventures.  All the purses on the shelf are empty, waiting for a special occasion but not this purse; it is standing, always ready for any errand, appointment or whim.
It is so tempting to look longingly at the beautiful, cherished collectibles proudly displayed on the shelf of life.  They are always perfectly dusted, fresh and clean, just waiting for the special occasions that comprise their destiny.  No matter how much I pretend or polish and buff, I was never created to be the “fancy purse on the shelf.”  If you look really close you will see a few scuff marks and smudges remaining from the last battle, a crumpled tissue used to wipe away the tears and a ready "bottle of water" for the soul who needs to be refreshed.  An old “receipt” listing time spent sitting with a sick friend or some notes sent to encourage a weary sister. 

Yes, sometimes my life gets cluttered and I need to do a little housekeeping to make room for the next assignment, but you’ll never find me sitting all prim and proper on the shelf….that’s for “Fancy Purses” still waiting for a special occasion.

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