Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Ephesians 5:15-17 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Thirty-eight years ago, I walked down the aisle to join Steve and begin our life journey together.  There were so few yesterdays and so many tomorrows.  Oh the plans we made, the places we would go, the things we would accomplish together; and we have!  Walking down the path with my beloved has been a dream journey but we have reached the road marker where we must face the realization that there are more yesterdays full of memories than tomorrows full of dreams.

For a few moments I pull back the curtain and peek through the window of memories; our first home, at 20 years old, holding our first son and 17 months later, our second son.  I remember the laughter, the tears, the joy, the anger…why was I angry?  I’m not sure I recall; it really wasn’t that important.  Family vacations; I wish we had taken more.  Fun at the park; why did I not stop and play longer?  My sons standing strong and handsome awaiting their own brides at the altar; holding my first grandchild, who will soon be 10 years old; holding the other 6 as they came along over the next few years and feeling that I must enjoy every minute of this “mini do over.”  I think of our moves and our houses; leaving family and friends to follow God; the triumphs and the disappointments of all the TOMORROWS THAT HAVE BECOME YESTERDAYS.

Border Agent Terry was just 42 minutes from being relieved of duty when he was shot and killed. Just 42 minutes from leaving to spend Christmas with his family. 42 minutes from holiday festivities and exciting plans when his “tomorrow became yesterday.” There would be no more tomorrows to anticipate or take care of all the things he had not gotten “around to;” only yesterdays full of memories, unfulfilled dreams and regrets.

We can count our YESTERDAYS but only God knows how many TOMORROWS remain.  YESTERDAY may be full of regrets but you have THIS DAY; THIS MOMENT and it is full of promise.  You can choose to spend RIGHT NOW doing and being whatever you desire.  You may have made exciting plans for tomorrow or this weekend, but God has a plan for you TODAY. Don’t waste TODAY looking forward to TOMORROW or yearning for YESTERDAY.  The decisions you make TODAY will determine the memories you leave when your TOMORROWS become YESTERDAYS…choose wisely!

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