Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I am a dreamer. Once my eyes close, my mind begins cycling through the day and the dreams begin.  I dream sad, happy, fun, crazy and serious, but every now and then I dream a dream that sticks with me and troubles me until the meaning is revealed.  Yesterday morning, I awoke from such a dream.  I meditated, prayed and wrote it down.  Finally, I thought I had the answer. Then, I closed my eyes last night and I felt God speaking to my spirit.  I didn’t have the answer at all….now it all makes sense.

I was standing in a crowded building when a woman carrying a heavily wrapped baby followed by two boys walked by, glancing around furtively.  It seemed that every time someone came close, the two boys would cause a distraction and take the attention off her.  She seemed so lost and confused; finally, I went over to help her.  As I approached, she clutched the “baby” tightly to her chest and turned her head away.  I asked if I could help her, then if I could see the baby.  She said, in a panicked voice, “No.”  I continued to pull the gauzy blanket open as she said, “Please don’t.”  Finally a beautiful plastic doll was revealed.  I said, “It is beautiful.” She screamed, “You haven’t really seen the baby.”  I continued opening the blanket until a beautiful little face was revealed with a horrible skull deformity.  I said to the woman, “Yes, I have and she is beautiful.”  To the baby, I whispered, “Jesus loves you” and was rewarded with the most angelic smile.  The baby was not an infant but was tiny, underdeveloped and immature because it had been kept swaddled and carried close for its entire life.  As I took the woman to find help, I woke up.
All through the day, the dream would not leave me.  I thought about hurts, scars, dysfunction, bitterness and all the things that are hidden and held close but they didn’t seem to fit this dream.  Just before drifting off to sleep, I felt God’s Spirit surround me and whisper, “I have birthed something beautiful in you but you keep it swaddled and hidden because you fear that it is not “normal.  Because you have not allowed it to breathe and mature, the call I have birthed in you has remained tiny and underdeveloped.”

The Bible contains so many accounts of people allowing the dreams that God had birthed in them to mature and bear fruit.  We don’t read many stories of people who swaddled the dream and held it close until it died.  WHY?  Because there is nothing to tell!!!  If Joseph had not taken the chance to interpret dreams to a butler and baker, his own dream would have died in prison and Jacob would have mourned him, never knowing Joseph had not been eaten by wild animals.  Daniel would have been just another slave in Babylon, Joseph would not have been such an integral player in the Christmas Story and Peter would not have preached a powerful message at the Birth of the Church.  They would have all faded into history, unknown, along with their tightly swaddled dreams.
What has God birthed in you?  Is it still tightly wrapped and clutched close as you struggle along the journey?  There are so many reasons we do not allow our dreams to breathe and mature; most of them have a root in FEAR or PRIDE.  Perhaps like me, the thing God has birthed in you doesn’t seem quite “normal;” it just does not follow the “normal” methods.  It could be that you are afraid if the wrappings are pulled back, revealing your dream, it will be met with laughter and derision. Maybe you are afraid you have misunderstood God and if you unfold the blanket all that will be revealed is a “plastic doll.”  Whatever is holding you back is choking the life out of the dreams that are fighting to breathe and mature.

It is time to remove the security blanket and realize Jesus loves you and whatever He has birthed in you is BEAUTIFUL.  Take control of the “Distractions” that follow you to take the focus off your dream.  If God is calling you to do the “ABNORMAL,” remember you are unique and God has a unique plan for you.  WHO EVER THOUGHT ANYTHING GOD DID WOULD BE NORMAL?  If you are afraid of doing the wrong thing and messing up, here is a word of encouragement from Thetus Tenney, a very wise woman of God, “If it lines up with the Word of God, is edifying to the Body and glorifies God, GO FOR IT!”  If the crowd laughs in derision, you won’t even notice as you will be blinded by the Glory of God in your life. GOD HAS BIRTHED A DREAM IN YOU; LET IT BREATHE!!!

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