Saturday, June 8, 2019



Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

I have heard this verse preached my entire life and except for the serpents and the deadly drink, I have witnessed these events and experienced many. Some have made “careers” out of the occurrence of “signs and wonders” and others have claimed to hold “title” to their performance, held crusades and written books.

Pastors, FB posters, Saints in the pew sometimes go chasing after the manifestation of the power of God, flying from location to location, become discouraged and ask, “Why are we not seeing signs and wonders in our church?”

I believe the answer to the question is found in the above verse…. “These signs shall FOLLOW those who believe.”

Perhaps the reason we are not seeing the things Mark spoke of is because we are LOOKING instead of ALLOWING GOD TO DO.

We keep searching for the signs and wonders when they are supposed to be FOLLOWING US!
After the Day of Pentecost, the Apostles went about spreading the Good News of the Holy Spirit. The needs popped up as they went about their normal day, prayer was made, they believed, the Holy Ghost moved and the Apostles continued on with the task ahead. There were no Crusades set up, no one proclaimed they were a Healer, no books were written and promoted…they didn’t need big arenas with sold out crowds, the Holy Ghost was drawing people and the Apostles were the conduit through which the power flowed.

If you want to see signs and wonders, STOP LOOKING AND START DOING! Once you start allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to lead you to the need and then work through you, glance back every now and then…something powerful may be FOLLOWING YOU!

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