Thursday, September 27, 2018



Revelation 12:12 Therefore, rejoice O heavens and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that HE HAS A SHORT TIME.

In my 60 years on earth, I have never witnessed a time of such hatred and division as the one we are witnessing in our Country at this hour.  It feels as if a thick darkness has descended and an oppressive spirit is covering the land until Truth has been trampled in the streets. 

It is true; Satan is “pulling out all the stops.”  He feels the end approaching; he is well aware that he has limited time to wreak as much havoc and deceive as many as possible before God says, “ENOUGH!”

 But I declare there is One greater than all the lies, all the vitriol, all the slander and all the hate and all the division.  I declare that there is a Body of Believers that is praying in intercession and calling out on the Name of Jesus to reveal Truth and protect those that are innocent.


Father, today, I approach your throne in the Name of Jesus and through His shed blood with my requests. Our country, which was established on Godly principles; to be a beacon of light, has lost its way.  The events of today could determine the path that will be followed for generations to come.

I pray that every mouth that would open to utter words of lies and slander, regardless of political party, will find the words melt away before they can be spoken.  Let the darkness fade away in the light of Your Holy Spirit and expose the hidden works of darkness. 

I know that we are not fighting against flesh and blood, Republican and Democrat, Conservative and Liberal, but against powers and principalities, rulers of darkness and spiritual hosts of wickedness. As your Word declares, Satan is roaring because even he knows he has been allowed only a short time.

I pray that Justice and Truth will prevail.  That something so miraculous will occur that people will marvel and say, “Surely this was wrought by the Hand of God.”
You have a people; a People Called by Your Name, that is crying out for Your will to be done in our Country, the Halls of Government and in the hearts of its citizens in the midst of the situations we are facing. 

Finally, I pray that Your Righteousness will reign supreme over our lives and over our country as we humble ourselves, pray and turn from our wicked ways to follow after You.

We humbly ask in the Only Name that has the power to save; the only Name that holds the answer for the United States and for the world; In the Name of Jesus…Amen!

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