Monday, September 24, 2018



After waking several times in the night in prayer, I awoke this morning with the following scriptures speaking to my heart.

Matthew 9:21 For she said within herself, if I may but touch His garment, I shall be made whole.

Luke 8:45-46 And Jesus said, “Who touched me?” When all denied it Peter and those with him said, “Master, the multitudes throng and press You, and You say, “Who touched me?” But Jesus said, “Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from me.”

At the end of last night’s Bible Study, after the dismissal prayer, a quietness of the Spirit settled over us and no one left…one of God’s children had a need and the congregation began to touch Heaven.  As we began to cry out, the “train of His robe” was touched, the Heaven’s opened and we all felt the Power touch earth.

So this morning, I can just imagine this Heavenly Conversation…

JESUS: “Somebody touched me last night.”

ANGELS:  But Jesus, it was Wednesday night.  Thousands were gathered all around the world for their midweek service, to hear Your Word and worship you.  Besides that many were at home, watching streaming services and praying for needs. And you say, “Somebody touched me?”

JESUS: “There is a little church in Northern Michigan that has touched me; I felt power going out from me.”

Our prayers are not just a “Repetitive Religious Ritual,” something happens in the throne room when a group of God’s children began to cry out.  He hears, “JESUS” and all of Heaven stands at attention as Jesus STOPS, TURNS, LISTENS AND ANSWERS!

Perhaps, as the little lady in Matthew and Luke, you have exhausted all your options; perhaps you have received news that has you flat on your face; perhaps you are in a situation that is beyond your understanding; or maybe you just need a touch in your spirit;  those are all GOD’S SPECIALTY. 

If all you can do is “crawl,” then crawl to the “Hem of His Garment,” and touch Him.  Speak His Name, “Jesus.”  HE is the answer to your situation and He wants to move in your life TODAY!

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