Sunday, October 16, 2016


Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I do not count myself to apprehended, but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

There was a time in my life when I had no idea how a football game was played…IMAGINE THAT!  I knew you had a ball and a quarterback, then...I met Steve Niswonger!  I loved him, he loved me AND FOOTBALL, so our Autumn, Sunday afternoon dates were spent at his house watching his beloved Chicago Bears.  I loved to hear his voice as he patiently explained every play and position…I actually retained some of the knowledge.  God knew He would bless me with 2 boys, so it was all preparation for the future.

Now, I enjoy Saturday afternoon, Michigan Wolverine and Sunday afternoon, Chicago Bear football (almost) as much as my guys and…I actually listen to the commentators instead of analyzing every play and player on my own.  Now you understand why this quote caught my attention…

The sign of a good Running Back is he always finishes forward with his legs moving toward the goal. (football commentator)

Think about it, read it again, let it percolate in there; now sit back and digest what you just read.  Every player wants the ball.  If you are on Offense, you want the Hand-off or the Pass to come to you.  If you are on Defense, your dream is to catch an interception or recover a fumble and run into the End Zone for a score.

Whether in ministry or sitting on a pew, we have all thought (or at least I have) “if I could just get my hands on the ball” or “if they would only hand the ball over to me;” or perhaps you have even had the opportunity to “recover a fumble.”  NOW WHAT?  What do you do now that you have the “ball” in your hands?

REMEMBER…the person with the ball always becomes the target.

So, “God hands you the ball,” you finish your VICTORY DANCE, and prepare to move forward.  Suddenly you realize, I may have the ball but the path to the goal will not be easy.  Not only are there huge obstacles between you and the End Zone, but they are coming at you from all sides.  You may have a few teammates “prayer-blocking” for you, but there is a Storm of Opposition, who is focused on keeping you from reaching the goal and possibly take the “ball” away from you in the process.

Remember the quote…Keep moving TOWARD the goal and if you get knocked down, FINISH FORWARD!

Dear Lord, no matter how big an opposition continues to come at me or even the times it seems as if out of nowhere I get blindsided, help me always FINISH FORWARD, with my legs moving TOWARD THE GOAL.

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