Monday, October 3, 2016


Psalms 136:1 Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endures forever.

As I read Psalms 136, during devotions this morning, verse 1, echoed over and over in my mind; “Give thanks unto the Lord because HE IS GOOD!!!  That line pretty much says it all and negates the thought, “What do I have to be thankful for?”

The Psalmist continues in verses 4 – 25 to recount the historical evidence of God’s goodness with an utterance of praise at the end of each instance… “For His mercy endures forever.”

If you look at your life, your circumstance, your trials, your personal storm and you think, “Thankful? I see nothing to be thankful for,” try this little exercise and see if by the end you can’t help but join the Psalmist in the awe-filled praise, “God is good for His mercy endures forever.”

TRY IT…start recounting the HISTORICAL EVIDENCE in your own life….

To Him that has known me from my Mother’s womb; for His mercy endures forever.

And has a great plan for my life; for His mercy endures forever.

Who has loved me with an everlasting love; for His mercy endures forever.

He guided me through childhood, the pitfalls of adolescence, and continued throughout my adult years; for His mercy endures forever.

Has made a way through His sacrifice on the cross that I can be reconciled back to Him; for His mercy endures forever.

Gave me the gift of His Holy Spirit to lead me into Truth, daily guide me along the journey, send comfort in sorrow and give me a promise of eternal life with Him; for His mercy endures forever.

Has made Himself manifest in my life as my provider, my healer, my champion, and my protector…for His mercy endures forever.

Daily, He loads me with benefits, for His Mercy endures forever.

Filled me with JOY and HOPE; for His Mercy endures forever.

He will NEVER leave or forsake me; He will hold my hand along this journey and someday lead me into His glorious presence; for His mercy endures forever.

He is my Soon-coming King; for His mercy endures forever.

Now I know, you are praising Him with me, so go ahead and add a few praises of your own; praises reflecting your personal HISTORICAL EVIDENCE.  We serve a GOOD GOD; the GOD OF gods; the LORD OF lords; the GOD OF HEAVEN!!!

Psalms 136:26 Oh give thanks unto the God of Heaven; for His mercy endures forever.

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