Saturday, October 1, 2016


Psalms 91:1-2 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him will I trust.”

It is becoming the new normal…every morning, it seems, there is another report of a shooter, a knife-wielding attacker, bomb scare or terror threat.  Fear, anxiety, apprehension are becoming familiar emotions.  The attacks are not confined to “bad areas.”  They can happen at the mall, a movie theater, a high school or elementary school, a restaurant, driving down the highway, walking along a sidewalk and even at church.  Is there any place we can go and feel totally safe?

I have never been a fear-filled person.  Oh, I lock my doors at night and try to be aware of the people around me as I walk out of the store toward my car, but in general, I do not spend much time anticipating danger, especially attacks.  But lately…

Steve and I were coming down a mountain trail in Vermont.  Aware of the lengthening shadows and the darkness that quickly envelops the wooded paths; we were only about 5 minutes from the trailhead and our vehicle, when a man approached us going up the mountain.  He was nicely dressed; we had on shorts and t-shirts.  He had on leather-soled shoes; we wore hiking shoes.  He was very polite when he asked how far it was to the lake and I felt no fear, although we were on a secluded mountain path.  I told him the lake wasn’t too far around the bend and cautioned him about the time and the approaching darkness.  He thanked us, turned around and ran back down the mountain.  I FELT NO FEAR, until…Steve said, “That was weird. Did you notice he had no camera? I didn’t feel comfortable, if someone ever attacks us, you be prepared to run.”  Suddenly, I FELT FEAR!

We arrived at the trailhead and didn’t see anyone.  Was Steve right?  Should I have been afraid?  Is fear the new normal?

Last night, the daughter of a friend went to the mall with her two babies, something we all do without much thought.  As she approached the store, the manager told her to get inside, there was an active shooter and they were going to lockdown.  Many people began to pray and she is safe at home but every day, there are some who don’t make it home safely.  SHOULD WE BE AFRAID?

Psalms 91:5-6 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lies wait at noonday.

We live in evil or what the Bible call, “PERILOUS TIMES.”  We must be aware and not stick our “heads in the sand.”  But, I REFUSE TO LIVE IN FEAR!  Oh it’s true, Men and Women do horrible things to each other and sometimes these horrible things happen to faith-filled Christians…but still I WILL ABIDE IN THE SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY; still I WILL TRUST!

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