Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit

I love God but I hate religion.  I hate the division, the smugness and the self-righteousness so prevalent in religion.  I hate the way religion causes people to become comfortable and cease their pursuit of God.  I hate the way religion interprets scripture to support its position instead of seeking Truth.

I am currently reading “On the Winds of Change” by Misty Griffin, in which she chronicles some of the history and progression of the Amish church.  Many of us would look at their rules or Ordnung and declare, “of course it is not necessary for salvation,” then despise our brother or sister for not following our “sacred cow.”

The Amish Church is not unique; every religion devises its own particular set of rules, expecting its members to adhere or be shunned.

The following are excerpts from the book by Misty Griffin.  If you choose to read further, please open your heart and mind, allowing God to speak to your heart and cut through the noise of religion.

ON THE WINDS OF CHANGE by Misty Griffin…

The Amish Church as we know it today was a gradual one.  Over time, as one rule after another was added to the church “ORDNUNG” the Amish became more and more isolated from those around them.

The Amish separated from the Mennonites during the late 17th century because of a perceived lack of discipline among the Mennonites.

From an 1862 letter read at an Amish Minster Gathering; the room divided into the ultra-conservatives and those of a slightly more liberal mindset….

“I firmly believe that in order for our church to continue, we must stem the gradual influence of this modern age.  By having a written document that lists the rules of the church, we will then be able to follow these rules without constantly bringing things into question.  I believe that having an Ordnung is the only way to keep our young people in order and stop this gradual lean toward worldliness.”
As we all know, without uniformity of dress, we are allowing pride to seep in and this must be stomped out. I have sadly observed many young women who are starting to make narrower capes for their dresses and young men who are cutting their hair shorter…

We must remember that we are not of this world; we are a people set apart and therefore must not associate with or follow after the things of this world.”

From one of the Bishops…
“I firmly believe we must make a written contract of rules which all church members must agree to uphold when they are baptized.”

A young man questions whether the size of a hat or width of a cape is that important.  The Bishop answers, “I know that these things may seem small to you, but let me warn you, any small thing that you are willing to change for the sake of pride will not end there.  The only way to keep the world and pride at bay is to avoid change”… “By writing a list of rules for our people to follow, we will ensure that we stay on the straight and narrow.”

A list of church rules was compiled and enforced for all baptized church members.  As these church rules became law, anyone who broke them, received a warning from the church.  If they did not immediately fall back in line with the Ordnung, they were shunned for 2-6 weeks or until it was deemed they were repentant.

Amish are taught from an early age that if they leave the Amish or may any significant changes to the Ordnung they will not go to Heaven.

Excerpts from the Ordnung…
Men: Hair shall be one inch below the ear, beards shall be untrimmed, beards shall be worn by all married men, hats shall have a six inch brim, suit shall be blue or black, and shirts of white muslin.  Shoes and socks shall be black, no suspenders or belts shall be permitted.

Women:  Kapps shall reach the side of the cheekbones.  Dresses shall be below the ankle and be dark blue, brown, green or black, a black cape and apron shall be worn at all times except Sunday, when a white one shall be worn.  A black bonnet shall be worn when leaving the house.  The hem of the dress shall be no wider than three inches, the kapp hem shall be no less than one half of an inch.  The side hem of the apron shall not be more than three quarters of an inch and the apron belt shall not exceed three inches.

Having experienced a Religious Shunning stemming from a refusal to sign and adhere to a Religious Loyalty Oath, I can state unequivocally it is not Biblical.  It was hurtful but caused me to seek God and study the Word without the “Security Blanket” of religion.

 I have learned that every "rule in the book" will NOT keep a person from sinning; it is only by allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us that we can live a holy life.

I have learned that a LIST OF RULES does NOT produce the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT.

I have learned that when we make RULES a matter of SALVATION, we create a hypocritical spirit in that a person will follow the specific rules; no more and no less.

I have learned that when a religion codifies and enforces its particular Rules, SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS, CONDESCENSION AND JUDGMENTAL ATTITUDES are the results.

I have learned to trust that people can have a close relationship with God without agreeing on every point of a particular doctrine.  

I have learned to appreciate every bit of growth in a person’s life as they continue on their spiritual journey.

I have learned that to truly PURSUE GOD, one must abandon the COMFORT OF RELIGION.

I have learned that the JOURNEY OF PURSUIT is at times lonely; there is only room for YOU and GOD on the narrow path.

But most of all I have learned that it is HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and HIS HOLINESS that we must seek rather than flaunting our own…And that it is all possible, BECAUSE OF HIS GREAT LOVE.

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