Saturday, October 15, 2016


John 6:38 For I came down from Heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me.

WWJD-What would Jesus do? Several years ago, a whole marketing campaign made these 4 letters a pop culture phrase among Christians.  They have appeared on bumper stickers, bracelets, coffee mugs, wall plaques and in the title of books. And long before we reduced “Christian Behavior” to 4 letters, many of us sang this old song…

“To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus, on earth I long to be like Him.  All through life’s journey, from earth to glory, I only ask to be like Him.”

Oh we have the correct ACRONYMN and the older saints sang the correct words, but is our behavior matching the letters on our bracelet?  Are the words we sing, just lyrics to an old hymn?  What about life’s twists and turns?  What about facing adversity?  What about Facebook posts?  What about when someone doesn’t agree with our opinion?   What about current events?  Can we or do we ask WWJD? Or have we come to believe that there are some issues that just are not God’s concern? 

So, I’ll pick two topics…the two topics that are NEVER to be discussed in polite society, on the job or at family gatherings; the two topics that can cause the closest friends and family members to argue, shout at each other and refuse to communicate for days, weeks or even years.  Yep, you guessed them…POLITICS AND RELIGION…WWJD?

On Politics and Religion….

WWJD-What would Jesus do?

Jesus was born into an Imperial world, ruled by Caesar, without the privilege or opportunity to vote.  But what if Jesus had been born in the United States? And with what religion would He be associated? 

My thoughts…As a citizen, He WOULD vote but NOT debate and would not identify with any religious system because not one of them, EVEN YOURS, would mesh with the mission for which He was sent.

Regarding politics…Jesus was born in Bethlehem because his parents had journeyed to their city of origin to be counted in a census; obviously, He was raised by parents that believed and taught Him to be a law-abiding citizen. Jesus paid taxes and instructed his disciples to “render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s.”

Regarding religion…If anyone could get on Jesus’ “last nerve,” it was the religious folk.  He would take the time to bless the children, go out of his way to encounter the “woman at the well,” stop a funeral procession or feed 5,000 hungry people but he had no patience with the superior attitude and behavior of those flaunting their religion.  He not only cast those out of the temple courtyard who wanted to use the law as a profitable enterprise, but He called the Religious leaders vipers and whitewashed sepulchers…SNAKES AND RECEPTICLES OF DEATH AND DECAY!

His mission was not to overthrow political leaders or reform religion; it was to fulfill the will of His Father.

WDSD-What does Susan do?

She becomes so consumed with politics; trumpeting her opinion with self-righteous indignation, daring anyone to disagree with her superior revelations.

And as to religion?  Oh, she is close to perfect in her religious pursuits…praying and reading the scripture daily, giving to the poor, supporting the church…HOLD ON JUST A MINUTE, putting it in writing makes it sound so Pharisaical. 

Could it be that I am so focused on BEING right in my philosophy and DOING right by following religious tenants, that the will of my Father has been cast aside, neglected and gathering dust.

Colossians 3:2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Oh God, I need forgiveness.  Forgive me for focusing on those things that are temporal.  Forgive me for endless debating instead of sharing the Good News.  Forgive me for pushing my opinion rather than seeking Your Truth.  Forgive me for pursuing my desires instead of following Your Will.  I ask that you cover me with Grace, that I may not only wear the bracelet, but that I may know WWJD and my behavior will bring Glory to Your Name.

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