Wednesday, July 6, 2011


There have been times I’ve been “kind of” hungry but nothing really sounds good. I rummage through the pantry and finally settle for whatever is handy. But then there are times when I am hungry for a donut. A cookie, a piece of pie or chocolate candy won’t do; I want a donut!!! It doesn’t matter if I have to drive to the donut shop across town, I will not be satisfied until I am eating a donut. That is passion!

Hunger identifies the emptiness inside that needs to be filled. Hunger lets you know that something is missing. Passion, on the other hand, is the driving force that moves you into action on behalf of the hunger. Passion says I’ve identified the need and I will stop at nothing to fill that need. Every mother can relate to the hungry wail of a baby. You may be in the middle of an important project or involved in your favorite activity but when the baby’s hunger intensifies and its passion rises to the same level, everyone in the house including Mama is going to know that something must be done, NOW!

We read in Mark 10 of a man named Bartimeus who was blind. I am not sure if he was born blind or experienced an accident or illness, the Bible doesn’t give us much history concerning Bartimeus, except he was blind and sat by the road begging. No doubt this day began the same as every other day; stumbling to wash his face, throw on a cloak and make his way to the road, hoping someone would have mercy on him so that he might buy his daily bread. He had learned to cope with his lack of sight. True, something was missing but what could he do about his misfortunate. Little did he know as he sat asking for alms that this was his day. His ear caught bits and pieces of conversation, “Jesus of Nazareth was passing down this very road.” A stirring of hope began to push his passion toward his hunger and he began to cry, “Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.” The Bible tells us that many tried to quiet him but when passion matches hunger, you’re gonna eat!!! Instead of quietly melting into the crowd, Mark 10:48 says, “but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.” At that point the most beautiful thing happened, Mark 10:49, “And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called.” This was the day, the moment that his passion matched his hunger, his need was met; Bartimeus was no longer blind.

There are many more examples of passion matching hunger. A woman with an issue of blood was no longer satisfied to go from one physician to the next only to be told there was no hope. When she heard Jesus was in town, her passion caused her to push and press her way through the crowd. Zacchaeus needed salvation. As his passion matched his hunger, he began to climb a tree. Somehow, he must get to Jesus. Jesus saw him and said, “This day is salvation come to this house.” A roof was torn off, an alabaster box was broken and a little girl was raised all because PASSION MATCHED HUNGER!!!

Back to the baby, he may fuss a little until Mama sticks a pacifier in his mouth to lull him back to sleep. As long as the baby is satisfied with the pacifier, he will starve to death. But let his passion match his hunger and he is gonna eat. What is it you want from God? Have you allowed life to stick a pacifier in your mouth to appease your desire? You will never get anything worthwhile as long as you are satisfied with the pacifier. When you finally begin to get hungry for a move of the Holy Ghost and your passion rises to the same level, GOD IS GONNA MOVE AND YOU ARE GONNA EAT!!!

1 comment:

Suzanne Holmes said...

Susan, thanks for passionately speaking the truth that God has planted in your heart.