If there is something in your life that is controlling you, declare your independence today, July 4, 2011. Be prepared to fight. You will win some battles and lose others but remember a battle is not the war. If it is a spiritual battle, Satan will come up with a new strategy every time you win a victory. If it is a physical or emotional battle, be prepared to meet that which you are trying to conquer face to face every day. Phenomenal bargains and the latest gadget will present opportunities to deter you from financial battles. If you can keep your eyes on the goal you will be victorious. I challenge you to write your Declaration today, prepare for battle, and start to fight tomorrow.
“I am endowed by the Creator with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To continue to enjoy those rights, I must become disciplined and learn to say NO!!! From this day forward, I declare my independence and will no longer be under the control of my desires and passions but will control their use thereof.”
God bless you, God bless America and Happy Independence Day.
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