Monday, July 18, 2011


We love to watch football and today's news that the NFL is close to reaching a deal is exciting news to many of my family members. Most autumn weekends will find us watching University of Michigan on Saturday and the Chicago Bears on Sunday. My husband and two sons define a good football game as a “Chicago Bear Win” but as all football fans can testify; sometimes you win “ugly.” Every football team walks onto the football field with a game plan in hand that they are sure will guarantee a win. If the plan is followed exactly and everything goes according to plan, then absolutely, a win is guaranteed. Now, I have watched football for over 35 years and I have never witnessed a game that followed the coach’s game plan exactly. Number 1, no matter how solid the game plan is, the coach has no knowledge of the rival team’s game plan and how to account for their “surprise” plays. Number 2, the players are human and the game plan cannot counteract human failure to perform. There will be dropped balls, fumbled snaps, pulled muscles, twisted ankles and missed extra points. Sometimes teams can compensate for their mistakes or capitalize on the other team’s errors and still come out on top. The team that wins consistently, however, will be the team that doesn’t allows mistakes or distractions to get in the way even when they have ENTERED THE DANGER ZONE.

What is the DANGER ZONE? After many years, I have observed that the most dangerous period for a team immediately after scoring, is the next possession by their opponents. They have achieved a goal and in their euphoria they deviate from the game plan. Their success becomes a distraction. Many times the opponent will have a great run back on the kickoff or score on a long pass down field. The team must be ever vigilant as they enter the GAME DANGER ZONE.

How many times have I watched this scenario play in other areas of my life? One day I am praising the Lord for victory only to allow Satan to score by wondering how God is going to lead me out of the next day’s dilemma. The Children of Israel are a prime example. God miraculously delivered them from Pharaoh, yet they stood panic stricken at the Red Sea. God gave them water from a rock and manna from Heaven but they feared weakness from a lack of protein. The disciples participated as Jesus fed the 5,000, and then questioned His ability to take them through the storm on the Sea of Galilee. If at all possible, Satan will attack you immediately following a wonderful blessing or victory by placing doubt in the way of climbing your next mountain. You cannot allow your success to distract you from Satan’s devices. Your weakest moment may come after your greatest victory; you have entered LIFE’S DANGER ZONE.

Whatever your challenge is today, step into it without fear. Enlarge your territory and set your goals high. Outline a strategy with mini-goals along the way. Every victory does not automatically signal an impending defeat. If you suffer a setback, reassess your position, tweak your strategy and keep pressing on toward the prize. Most importantly trust in the “Coach” and His game plan. He knows all the other team’s “trick plays” and He has never had a losing season. Celebrate each success and be aware of LIFE’S DANGER ZONE.

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