Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Have you ever read a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book? The author creates a list of characters, a scenario and a list of events but leaves the ending up to the reader. Usually there are 3 different endings dependent upon the decisions made by the leading character and the reader gets to choose the decisions. Our life is a “choose your own adventure.” God places each one of us in the midst of a list of characters, sets the stage and presents various opportunities then we get to choose. The list of opportunities is determined by the most important choice; do we submit our life to God or follow after our own desires. Throughout our life every decision sets the path to the next opportunity that ultimately culminates in choosing our final destination. When we reach the end, our life choices determines whether we “Go Home” or “Pass Away” into eternity.

John and Fred started out on their life’s journey in similar fashion. Both men grew up in large southern families with limited religious experiences in their early years. Their paths did not cross until they reached adulthood, became brothers-in-law and forged a close friendship. Life continued, both men worked hard, bought homes, had loving wives with the same number of children. Sunday afternoons were full of laughter and good food, holidays were shared with more good food, gifts for all and lots of love. The children were close, trading nights at each house, playing endless days of baseball in the back yard and sharing their childish dreams. In the early years of the relationship, however, John made a choice to follow a path that Fred refused to pursue. At 23 years old, John gave his heart to God and everything in his life changed.

Although he chose to follow God, John was not a perfect man. There were times in his life that his humanity got in the way and a wrong choice was made but because he had a heart for God, God would gently nudge him back onto the path and life continued. As John’s children grew, he took them to church, taught them the ways of God and rejoiced as each one made their own decision to be baptized and was filled with the Holy Ghost. Throughout Fred’s life, however, he continued to resist the voice of God. He made choices that set the course of his life and stood by as the choices were transferred to his children. As his children would feel the drawing of God in their own hearts, Fred would discourage them from moving toward God, telling them there would be time to decide when they were older. The children began to follow the same path as Fred, making choices that led them further from the life chosen by John’s family.

The men grew old and became ill. John learned that he had a horrible disease and would not live long. He used this space of time to examine his life, correct the wrong choices, forgive and be forgiven by those who had been offended. John went home to be with the Lord with his loving wife by his side. His home-going service was a celebration of a life well-lived. The tears of sadness were replaced with the knowledge that it was just a temporary situation and someday soon the family would be reunited. Fred also suffered for some time with a disease. He used his space of time to continue his life as he always had, loving his wife, kids and grandkids and doing all the things he desired. A convenient time for God never came. One day Fred told his wife he was tired, lay down on the bed and never woke up. Fred “passed away.” The funeral was held at a church, which Fred had never attended, a minister-acquaintance spoke nice words in an attempt to comfort the family as sad tears ran down sorrowful faces. There was no hope; Fred had “passed away.”

We are each given a space of time that begins the moment we take our first breath until we breathe our last. During that time God presents various opportunities as He draws us unto Himself. How we respond to each of those opportunities is our choice. For those who turn aside and follow their own pursuits, God’s mercy continues to reach until He hears the final NO!!! God doesn’t love the person who submits to Him more than the person who rebels but the end has a different outcome. It’s your choice!!! When my space of time ends, will I have chosen to “Go Home” or “Pass Away?” It’s my adventure and I choose the ending.

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