Thursday, February 24, 2011


Have you ever experienced or witnessed a playground bully at work? He will evaluate the various groups and zero in on the smallest, weakest, or loneliest person. Once the bully has chosen his “mark” his goal is to insert himself into the circle and disrupt all activities, instill fear and in general make life miserable. If he can infiltrate and consume the life of the “mark,” he feels important because he is now, “Top Dog.” The only way to defeat a bully is to face him and give him a dose of his own medicine. Also, having a big, strong friend to stand by you is a definite bonus.

When my son, Philip was in 8th grade, he experienced a bully. The other student picked on him and tormented him until finally Phil reached the breaking point. I was not aware of the situation until one day Philip came home from school with bruises, a bloody nose and broken glasses. It seems the other student came at Phil one last time in the locker room. Something inside of Phil, said, “Not this time!” He turned and unloaded on the other kid. I will never forget his words as he relayed all the details of the encounter. He said, “Mom I know I shouldn’t have been fighting, but it felt so good!” To my knowledge, the bully never bothered Philip again.

Satan reminds me of the playground bully. Like the bully, he lurks around, observing the group, choosing his next victim, and just waiting for an opportunity to disrupt and instill discord and fear. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour.” He will wait until we are at our most vulnerable, and then rush in with lies, temptation, and discouragement. He thrives on picking at you until he becomes the focus of your day. There are other times that the devil attacks when we seem to be at our strongest. The minute you get your eyes off him and focus on your relationship with God, you can bank on Satan making an appearance; this time with reinforcements. If he cannot bully you through temptation or discouragement, he will use a friend or a “Christian” brother or sister to begin the process. Turn around, look him in the eye and say “NOT THIS TIME SATAN!!!”

Isaiah 59:19 promises, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” Suddenly, we aren’t in this fight alone. When Satan looks up and sees our big strong friend joining the fight, the dynamics instantly change. Fully equipped with the necessary weapons, you can finally turn and unload on him.  He will scamper off with his tail between his legs looking for someone a little less confrontational. You may come out of the scuffle with a few bruises a bloody nose or broken glasses, but on your knees you can look up to Jesus with a victorious smile and say, “It felt so good!”

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