Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Although we have been at Cornerstone since October, we had never planned a service to officially install my husband and me as Pastor. Last weekend, Michael and Tami Keller of Grand Rapids, MI came to pray such a blessing over us and minister to our congregation. My sweet friend, Tami presented me with a beautiful bouquet of mixed cut flowers along with a wonderful word of encouragement. The bouquet was filled with roses, every color of tulip imaginable, daisies, irises; a tiny yellow flower and beautiful greenery completed the picture. The arrangement was beautiful in itself but what it represented was so inspiring. Tami had asked the florist to fill it with one of every flower available, representing the uniqueness of each individual in the congregation, at the same time the beautiful Body of Christ we become when brought together.

This morning as I enjoy the beauty of the bouquet and breathe in the sweet aroma, I think of the people God has brought together to form the family of Cornerstone. My mind goes to the person that greets me every Sunday with a hug and tells me how good I look. Instantly, a smile comes to my face, my day is brighter and I’m almost convinced that what he is saying about me is true. Another individual loves to worship the Lord. It blesses and refreshes me to see her hands lifted, tears streaming down her face and hear her voice praising God. One precious lady has a smile that absolutely lights up the room. Every service, I find myself seeking her out just to be in the presence of her beautiful smile. Another much loved saint always answers the phone with such a welcome in her voice, as if my call as just made her day. She has so many demands on her time but never fails to help me with any pressing matter that happens to pop up. I have a dear sister/friend that hugs me and tells me I’m so sweet. Believe me it just melts my heart because “sweet” is not a term that has been used to describe me very often in my life. Again, I’m almost convinced. There have been many emails and phone calls from one precious member just letting us know how much we are loved and appreciated. They always seem to come with perfect timing; right when I needed a boost. Yet another that comes to mind is one that comes to every service, music practice or event with energy and enthusiasm which in turn energizes and excites me as to what God is doing at Cornerstone. Others may feel that they are just “fillers” but they are so important to the bouquet. Their quiet dependability, making sure the church is in tiptop shape, completing every task without reminders or waiting to be asked, a gentle spirit, friendly smile, warm handshake and knowing that they are always praying for us sends out such a sweet smelling aroma.

Yes, I look at my beautiful bouquet of flowers and thank God for all the wonderfully unique people He has placed in my life; especially the ones we are privileged to pastor. Thank you, Tami, my dear friend for giving me such a vivid reminder of God’s love.

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