Friday, March 4, 2011


Some days it feels as if everything we encounter becomes a battle. The alarm clock doesn’t sound and the kids are late for school, the coffee canister is empty, you get behind the lady in the grocery line that must write, record and balance her check book before the clerk can finish the transaction, then return home to find that even the dog has not cooperated. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just crawl back into bed and start over? Or as my mother would say, “Go back and get up on the right side of the bed.” You long for someone to sympathize with you, give you hope for tomorrow and make you smile again. If only one person would take the time to ask, “How goes the battle?”

In 1 Samuel 30 we read of David’s really bad day. It was a day that thankfully, most of us will never face. David and his men returned to Ziklag to find that the Amalekites had arrived first, burned the city and taken the women and children captive. There were no encouraging words for David, no friend tapped him on the shoulder and said, “Brother David, how goes the battle?” Instead, the men spoke of stoning him. What do you do when everything goes wrong, your loved ones are being held captive and your trusted friends want to throw stones at you? Give up, start the day over, take a happy pill? The Bible tells us that David encouraged HIMSELF in the Lord!!!

I believe he began to remember all the times that God had led him, delivered him and given him victory over the enemy. After his encouragement session, David went on to the priest and enquired of the Lord what should be done. God told David to pursue the enemy, that he would be victorious and recover all. David obeyed and God was faithful. Hey David, “How goes the battle, now?”

Many times I have received a timely phone call or email from a friend with an encouraging word. I am always so thankful for those Godly men and women who are obedient to the voice of God to pray or send a word as the Lord has impressed them. There are days, however, that nothing changes until I encourage MYSELF in the Lord. Down on my knees I begin to recount God’s faithfulness; the many times of blessing, the times he didn’t just walk with me through the flood, but he carried me, the times of healing, and the times of provision. Then a still, small voice whispers to my heart, “How goes the battle?”

If God has put a friend in your mind today, pray for them, give them a phone call, send an email, and ask them, “How goes the battle?” Let them know all is not lost; they are not in the fight alone; God is faithful and will help them recover all. If on the other hand you are in the midst of the fight, and there are no encouraging phone calls, get down on your knees and enquire of the Lord. He will send His peace and calm the storm. Soon the battle will seem like just a little skirmish and you can face the day with victory. To the question, “How goes the battle?” You can answer, “The battle is not mine, it is the Lord’s!”

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