Monday, February 21, 2011


Recently, I spent two weeks taking care of my two grandsons, Caleb and Nathan. Their mom was in the hospital giving birth to their little sister, Maicie, who made an appearance 6 weeks early. Grandma was privileged to spend some quality time with the boys until Maicie was strong enough to come home. We played games, read books, told stories, talked and cuddled. I learned which were their favorite toys, movies and books. They showed off their climbing, jumping and tumbling skills and I marveled at their strength and intelligence. It didn’t take much to entertain Grandma and get her to smile. Sitting one day enjoying their antics, I realized how much I delighted in every little thing about them. Caleb’s scribbles on plain paper were works of art, Nathan’s happy dance was worthy of awards, just hearing my name whispered or yelled gave me immense pleasure. What was it about these 2 little people that evoked such emotion within me? Sure all little kids have cute moments but there was something different about these two. You see, they don’t have to perform to get Grandma’s approval; it is enough to just spend time with them because they are MY grandchildren and I delight in them.

Did you know that God delights in us? Proverbs 12 and 11 tells us that God delights in us when we deal truly and are upright in our ways. According to Proverbs 15, our prayers are His delight. Psalms 37:23 says that when our steps are ordered by the Lord, He delights in our way. Just as I feel great joy at my grandchildren’s accomplishments and obedience, God delights in us when He sees that we want to follow His leading and obey His Word. He cheers us on when He sees us make the extra effort to please Him and allow Him to accomplish His will through us. As a grandmother, however, there is no greater joy than just being with my precious grandchildren, hearing their voice and holding them close. Oh, how it must fill God’s heart with delight when we set aside time just to be in His presence, to tell Him our deepest desires or sit at His feet as He speaks to us.

Psalms 18:19 says, “He brought me forth into a large place; He delivered me because He delighted in me.” I love this verse because it doesn’t speak of my performance. It isn’t about me doing, or praying or following, but it just says HE DELIGHTS IN ME! Sometimes, God pours out a special blessing on us just because we are HIS CHILDREN and He DELIGHTS IN US.

Psalms 37:4 tells us to “Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” What a wonderful promise from God that is made even more wonderful by the knowledge that at the same time I am delighting myself in the Lord, He is delighting in me.

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