Monday, February 14, 2011


I don’t remember a time when I felt unloved, because there has never been one. There have been times when I was unlovable and undeserving of love but I still felt completely loved. Long before I knew there was a God who loved me unconditionally, I felt that love through my Dad and Mom. Like all infants, there was nothing I could do to earn the love of my parents. I was demanding and self-serving with no thought of anyone or anything but my needs, yet they loved me. My Mother made sure that a day did not pass without me hearing her say, “I love you.” Even today, every phone call ends with her assuring me that I am loved. Every card tells me I am special and that I was loved from the moment of my first breath. I was definitely a “wanted” child.

Perhaps, this is why it is so easy for me to believe that God loves me beyond imagination and I am His “wanted” child. The Bible, God’s love letter, tells me in 1 John 4:10, “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us.” It is not such a miracle that I love God because He is worthy of such love. The miracle is that He loves me, not because I love Him, not because I perform acts of kindness, not because I am a good person but because I am His creation. His heart longs for me; I am a “wanted” child.

Can you imagine what would happen if we could ever really understand and accept God’s perfect love for us? We would follow Him without question, knowing that wherever he leads us there is a rainbow with a pot of gold. We would be bold to tell everyone we meet about this amazing circle of love that surrounds them too. Every hardship and trial would be endured with gladness of heart, confident that it is just part of the shaping process in our life. All fear and doubt would disappear because His perfect love casts out all fear. Just as a baby rests in total peace, so would we, knowing that all our needs would be supplied according to His riches in Glory. We would walk with our head held high confident that we are a “wanted “child.

On this Valentine’s Day, I want to grab hold and never let go of the fact that “He loves me with an everlasting love” and I am a “wanted” child.

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