Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Having just come from a wonderful conference, I am in awe of the Body of Christ. I am learning to appreciate and celebrate each member’s uniqueness. For many years I was judgmental and disapproving of anyone who acted, looked, thought, spoke or worshiped differently than the norm of “my little box.” God has helped me to understand that He calls individuals BECAUSE OF, not DESPITE OF their differences.

Thursday evening Steve and I sat with three other couples that we have grown to love and count as dear friends. It would be hard to find four couples who are more diverse. We are different in looks, temperament, taste in clothes, food and hairstyles, ministry styles; pretty much anything you can name. The only thing that could forge a friendship among such a group is the Holy Ghost and our love for God.

John and Darlene have pastored in Duluth, MN for several years and have 2 daughters and 1 grandson. Mike and Tammi pastor in Grand Rapids, MI, have one daughter and 2 granddaughters. Wayne and Suzanne live in Monticello, IN where they previously pastored and are currently seeking for God’s will in their lives. They have a son in college and a daughter who is a junior in high school. Of course, Steve and I pastor in Saginaw, MI, have 2 sons, 2 granddaughters and a grandson. That is where the similarities end.

Darlene is a classy dresser, wears her hair in a more traditional style, is soft spoken, and obviously adores her husband and daughters. Suzanne is my “wile chile” friend. I wish I possessed some of her boldness when it comes to dress. Despite her “advanced” age of 40+?, she wears her long dark hair straight, hanging past her shoulders, sometimes with a hat perched jauntily atop her head; loves vintage clothes and crazy shoes. Suzanne is a vivacious, lively person who gets totally involved in worship, likes to touch people when she talks to them and is full of boundless energy. The best way to describe Tammi is ultra-feminine. Everything about her screams, “I am a woman and I love it.” She loves ruffles, cute little shoes and purses and even walks like a lady. Tammi loves people and it makes you feel good just to be with her. She is always smiling and allows her intense love for God to shine through at all times. I am the most unspontaneous person I know. I usually opt for the most practical, sensible solution even though others sound much more fun and fulfilling. I dress on the conservative, classic side of the spectrum with the exception of a few edgy shoes now and then. When everyone around me is enjoying boisterous worship, I stand quietly, hands raised with tears streaming down my face.

How do I fit in to this Body of Believers? Only the magnificent God I serve could bring us all together. I Corinthians 12:12 says “For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 13For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. 14For the body is not one member, but many.

I may be the eyes, Darlene the hand, Suzanne the feet and Tammi the heart, but we have all been baptized into one body and drank of one Spirit; and He makes all the difference.

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