Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Today is Amy Jo’s birthday. She is the youngest of my 4 sisters and will always be my baby sister. I won’t reveal her age but on May 14, 1970, a precious gift arrived. I was almost 13 years old so I was given the privilege of staying with the other 4 kids while Dad and Mom went to the hospital to “pick up” the baby. I got to sleep in Dad and Mom’s bed where I would be close to the phone. In those days there were no ultra sound pictures to spoil the surprise; I was so excited when Dad called to tell me I had a baby sister. I went to school the next day on top of the world.

Amy provided excellent training for me as I matured. Although Mom doesn’t like to remember, I sometimes got up in the night with her, dressed her and brushed her hair for church and in general spoiled her rotten. She was one of the first “Hawks Family Idol.” We recorded a mock radio program in which 4 year old Amy would sing her version of worship songs. She was a “gymnast” turning flips during the Olympics and the only one Dad would allow to have roller skates. She was also the only one of 6 kids who broke their leg.

Amy was 6 years old when I got married and was a miniature bride in my wedding. She was so adorable in her white lacy dress and veil. Once, Steve and I were babysitting her, he had to swat her on the behind; I’m sure it broke her heart.

Now that Amy is an adult, we share a special relationship, part mom, part daughter, part sister and mostly friends. I don’t get to see Amy as much as I would like to but she loves to call me while she is driving on one of her many daily trips. Amy and Anthony have 3 beautiful children, Nicholas, Alex and Jada. They will be moving into their new home soon and I can’t wait to visit them in Granite City.

Just as most sisters experience in their complex relationships, Amy and I have had up moments and down moments, laughter and tears. One thing will always hold true, baby sisters are a precious gift and I will always love mine.

Happy Birthday Amy Jo!!!!!

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