Thursday, May 8, 2008


Every day we have an opportunity to succeed or fail. Many times we want to blame everything except ourselves for the end result. What it really comes down to is whether our plan is focused on success or failure and then executed properly. Situations and circumstances may change but the outcome is up to you. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

This principle can be applied to every area of your life, spirituality, dealing with difficult family members, your job, managing money, raising children and yes, even eating healthy. You got it!!! This is another update on my journey into healthy living. The most important aspect of staying focused in a life style change is creating a sensible plan, carrying out every minute detail and not allowing anything to lure you away from your vision of the results you desire. If it is a well thought out plan, it will provide for breaks in your usual routine, surprises and special occasions.

Last week, I went to visit my mother in Missouri, then to a church conference in Indiana. Both were great opportunities for failure. As a mother one of my greatest pleasures is to feed my children all their favorite dishes and a must for every Pentecostal is late night food and fellowship with friends after church. This trip contained both possibilities but I had a plan to succeed.

Packing smaller clothes reminded me that I’ve come too far too turn back now. That was enough motivation to help me execute my plan. First, I called my Mom, told her what we were eating and took some provisions just in case she “just couldn’t help but feed us.” I knew we would have birthday cake Saturday and Sunday so I worked in ½ piece of cake each day into my eating plan. Then came a glitch in the plan, my brother-in-law made home-made ice cream. I left off potatoes and bread at dinner, walked a mile and ate the ice cream. The next trap was meeting my sister and niece and nephew for lunch at a restaurant that has unlimited chips and salsa. I held the babies then ate soup and salad. Success!!!!

On to the conference and the second phase of my plan. First stop, Wal-Mart, where we purchased mini bagels, peanut butter, low fat, low calorie muffins, fruit cups and protein bars. Since I am an early riser I took advantage of the wonderful state-of the-art gym on the top floor of the hotel. After 40 minutes of exercise, I was ready for a bagel with peanut butter and a fruit cup. We enjoyed lunch with friends at various restaurants that offered delicious healthy choices. A protein bar before church prevented face-stuffing after church. A steaming bowl of vegetable soup offered a light, late night snack. Success!!!!

Our daily walk with God also offers opportunities for success or failure. There will be obstacles and temptations that may be unexpected, but we don’t have to be unprepared. The Bible gives us a plan for success. I Peter 3:15 says, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” II Timothy 2:15 tells us to “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." With a little planning you can walk in success daily. Communicate with your Heavenly Father on a daily basis, Hide His word in your heart, give Jesus Christ the highest priority in your life and like Timothy you can be instant in season and out of season.

Whether you are struggling with a healthy life style or a healthy relationship with God, it is never too late to Plan for Success. Remember, even if you have just begun, you’ve come too far to go back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Susan, thank you for this message. It reminded me of when I was searching out "God's Weigh for Me" concerning weight loss and He spoke to me about SUCCESS which is what became the THEME for my lesson plan. Here are a few Scriptures that the Lord led me to:

1) Proverbs 21:30 There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.

2)I saw promises in the Word that brought instruction and much encouragement:

3)Joshua 1:8 When I digest the Word of God and mediate on it day and night, so that I am careful to do everything written there, then I will be prosperous and successful.

4)Psalm 20:4 May the Lord give me the desires of my heart and make my plans succeed.

5)Proverbs 16:3 If I commit to the Lord all that I do, my plans will succeed.

6)Ecclesiates 11:6 (Sow) Plant your seed (the Word) in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you dont know what will succeed. (You must be prepared). Whether both will do equally well. Although it may seem at times we labor in vain, let us continue-ye may at length (eventually) see the success of it.

7)Isaiah 48:15 I, even I, have spoken; yes, I have called him. (you) I will bring him (you), and he (you) will succeed in his (your) mission.

My prayer was (Genesis 24:12a) O Lord, give me success today, (Proverbs 21:30) There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against you Lord. I want to follow YOUR plan.

Food for thought: Open up a "can of success" by nibbling at His Plan for you. -- Connie J. Schmoll