Wednesday, April 23, 2008


We are now 16 weeks into 2008; one-third of the year is behind us. It is amazing how quickly time passes and we never notice unless we happen to look at a calendar. The funny thing about time is it continues regardless of what we do or don’t do, whether we are busy or idle, asleep or awake. During these 16 weeks I have be on a journey to a healthy life style. As expected, the time passed and I am 3 sizes smaller.

What is my secret? Commitment and Consistency. In the beginning, it was the commitment that helped me to stay consistent and say no to the many tasty temptations that have been presented. As time continues and the results become apparent, the commitment has turned into a lifestyle habit.

The first issue I had to conquer was my desire for unhealthy foods, especially sugar and chocolate. I cleared everything unhealthy out of my cupboards and refused to go down the “aisles of temptation” at the grocery store. I studied and modified recipes until I came up with healthy alternatives. Eating healthy has now become routine. I have my daily nutritional needs down to an easy science; 3 meals and 3 snacks. It is now time to progress to the next level.

A complete health makeover consists of two components; nutrition and exercise. It is much easier for me to eat healthy than to consistently exercise. I would rather read, research the internet, watch TV and I am busy with my house, my grandson, my husband, my church and volunteer work. You name it, I can turn it into an excuse.

For the last two weeks, I am happy to report, I am climbing to the next level. I need routine, so I have set up an exercise routine. If the weather cooperates, I walk at least 2 miles every day. My pedometer shows that I walk between 2 and 3 miles at a rate of 3.33 miles per hour. It’s not the 15 minute mile I would like but it is faster than a 20 minute mile and 3 of those days I am pushing a stroller with a 20 lb baby. Three days per week I lift light weights for 20 minutes and the other three days I exercise for 15 minutes on the stair stepper. My muscles ache, my feet hurt and I am tired but I am feeling stronger, breathing better and wearing smaller clothes. Consistency has its rewards.

In our walk with God, there are always new levels to conquer. Just about the time we feel we have overcome an obstacle, God has a new area He wants to work on in us. Like a healthy lifestyle, your spirituality is all about commitment and consistency. If Satan can steal your consistency, he will soon steal your commitment.

Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

When you are truly committed to walking with God, you will wait with anticipation the new direction your path will take. You have set a goal and each new level gets you closer to reaching that goal. There will be temptations and setbacks, sometimes your heart will ache and you will feel so tired that you think you can’t continue but believe me it IS worth it. If you will be consistent in reading God’s Word and communicating daily through prayer, you will experience great rewards. Soon you will gain spiritual strength, feel the breath of the Holy Spirit daily and life’s trials and tribulations will become much smaller. Be assured time will continue to march on and you will receive your greatest reward; Eternal Life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Susan, this was a very encouraging message. Thank you.