Tuesday, February 27, 2018


George Washington was the only President that was not affiliated with a party.  In his farewell address, he warned the country against dividing into political parties. A laughable bit of historical trivia, especially as we look at the divisiveness in our government today; nobody wants to reach “across the aisle.” 

And so it is in the World of Religion….

Now it is natural to congregate with people who agree with your doctrine, life philosophy and world view but this self-segregation, has formed a myriad of Religious Parties, which is totally against the Word of God.

Jesus never intended for us to form “Religious Parties.”  One of His last commands was NOT come together and congregate, shunning those who don’t agree with your doctrine or have not received your revelation.   NO, Jesus said, “GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND MAKE DISCIPLES.”

Consider Cornelius….Peter argued with the Holy Ghost, but finally submitted, crossed “doctrinal” lines and preached the Gospel to the Gentiles.  Or perhaps Ephesus would never have known of a mighty preacher, named Apollos, if Aquila and Priscilla had not taken the time to explain to this man, who did not agree with them, the Word more perfectly.

We have hindered the spread of the Gospel and the Revelation of the Name of Jesus because of our loyalty to our Religious Party.  Step out of your self-imposed box and began to proclaim the Word more perfectly to those who have never heard and to those who have a different interpretation than you…you might actually fulfill the Great Commission and make a disciple.

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