Friday, February 16, 2018


1 Kings 15:14 But the high places were not removed. Nevertheless Asa’s heart was loyal to the Lord all his days.

Asa, one of Judah’s kings that served God.  Although Asa’s heart was loyal to God, he was content to co-exist with the “HIGH PLACES” of pagan worship.  The “High Places” didn’t seem to affect Asa’s commitment to God but eventually it affected his grandchildren’s generation.

Has the Church become content to co-exist with the “High Places?”  We declare, “We serve God; our hearts are loyal to the Lord.”  And it seems our generation is not affected.

 But what about the next generation?  What about our grandchildren who view the “High Places” as a “normal” part of daily life? 

When the PROFANE becomes NORMAL, it is usually because someone refused to tear down the “High Places.”

Our Holy God WILL NOT co-exist with sin, even if it becomes a societal norm.  He has not changed and He still commands the People called by His Name to TEAR DOWN THE HIGH PLACES.

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