Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Ephesians 6:10-11 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil

I mistyped and FRIEND became FIEND because I missed typing the R.  Losing the “R” can get you into all kinds of trouble; consider this….

Satan may come to you pretending to be your FRIEND but don’t allow him in your inner circle….look a little closer, he is missing an “R.”  Satan is a FIEND!

Satan doesn’t want a RELATIONSHIP with you, his plan is to drop the “R” and draw you into an ELATIONSHIP!  An “ELATIONSHIP” gives you a momentary high before the big let down. An ELATIONSHIP is selfish; while Satan has you drunk with elation, he will steal everything he desires then leave you empty and broken.  An ELATIONSHIP is riddled with empty promises; promises of fame, fortune, fun and bright lights but as the light fades, we realize the promises were really an entryway to the road leading to destruction.  An ELATIONSHIP is unfulfilling, unsatisfying and unrewarding….the end, thereof is death.  Satan doesn’t want a RELATIONSHIP with you; he is a FIEND.

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

Jesus is your FRIEND…He embraces the R…He is the RESURRECTION.  It is through Jesus we have eternal life.  Jesus is the REVELATION OF GOD, because of Him, we can know and see God. Jesus is TRUTH; His REALITY promises RESTORATION; a new life.  He is the Light in the Darkness; He fills the empty with His Spirit.  He promises to NEVER leave you broken, wounded and hopeless.  He has even provided for you with “After-life Insurance.” A special place just for you, with Him because Jesus is your FRIEND and desires a RELATIONSHIP with you; to give you everlasting JOY…not an ELATIONSHIP  of temporary PLEASURE!

 Look to Jesus; He is Faithful and always your FRIEND.

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