Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Psalms 143:5 I remember the days of old; I meditate on all your works; I muse on the work of your hand.

The older you get, the more you FORGET.  Our brains become so full of information that it takes longer to process and sometimes we get into information overload and crash.  I sometimes forget why I walked into the other room, let alone try and recall the things that happened a year ago…or 20 or 30 or 40 or 60…thankful for Timehop.

A funny thing however, is, the bad memories seem to fade much slower than the good memories…that is unless you are talking about my kids; those memories are pretty much perfect.  They were little angels, never cried at night, caused me no pain during childbirth, were always clean with perfect manners; why they were even model teens…Hey, I’ll admit it, I’m old and the memories have faded.  Now, mention the name of someone who hurt my feelings 40 years ago and I have perfect recall…I can tell you where we were, what they said and exactly how I felt at that moment…ahh memories.

What about along the journey with God; have the memories began to fade; do the negative moments threaten to overshadow the glorious experiences with Him?   Has it been so many years that the memories have become all jumbled up in your mind until the recall has slowed and threatens to crash?  It is time to run the “Defrag” program.

Spend some time in His Presence today and allow God to restore all the fragmented memories floating around in your head.  Memories of that first time you knelt at an Altar of Repentance and committed your life to Him.  Memories of rising out of the waters of Baptism, knowing your sins had been washed away and how clean you felt.  That morning or that night when He filled you with His Holy Spirit and you spoke a language that only He understood. 

Then meander down the path in which He has led you.  Sure you stumbled, but He picked you up and continued with you.  There were moments of doubt and crossroads but that still small voice directed you and His light illuminated the road to take and you kept walking.  Sometimes your faith was stretched than you remembered His words, “I will never leave you or forsake you,” and He didn’t….ah memories.

An old song by Dottie Rambo, runs through my mind as the memories flood over me…

♪♪ “Roll back the curtain of memory now and then.  Show me where you brought me from and where I could have been.” ♫

And I worship with thanksgiving in my heart…Oh the places you’ve taken me and oh the things you have protected me from…You’re a good, good Father.

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