Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Genesis 9:12-13 And God said: “This is the sign of the Covenant which I make between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations; I set my rainbow in the cloud and it shall be for the sign of the Covenant between Me and the earth.”

There is nothing more beautiful than a rainbow peeking through the clouds after a storm.  The beauty is not in just the different hues melded together but it is in the PROMISE that it represents.  Every child that attends Sunday School learns of the PROMISE attached to a rainbow.  The Bible records, that after He destroyed the entire earth and its inhabitants, except for Noah and his family, with a flood, God made a promise to never destroy the earth with water again.  Then, as a sign of His faithfulness, God set His rainbow in the clouds.

For centuries, rainbows have inspired the imagination to create a myriad of myths.  One of the most famous of course is the “Pot Of Gold At The End of the Rainbow with a Leprechaun Guardian.”  Australian Aborigines believe in the “Rainbow Serpent,” Hawaiian’s have a “Rainbow Maiden,” others call it a “Bridge to Heaven,” believe it is a “Road for Messages,” and has both blessings and curses attached.  Yes, we have been fascinated with the Rainbow and its Promise for thousands of years.

As a little girl, I was convinced that the “Pot of Gold” was real and someday, someone; maybe it would be me, would get to the end of the rainbow and discover the treasure. As I got a little older, I realized that no one could get to the end of a rainbow because it is really only refracted light through drops of water, but that knowledge has never lessened the PROMISE OF THE RAINBOW.

1 Peter 1:8-9 Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith-the salvation of your souls.

A few years ago, Steve preached a fantastic, hope-filled message, titled, “THE END OF OUR FAITH.” I love this quote from that sermon, “Sometimes our faith journey feels like a futile trek to the end of the rainbow, BUT…we have this beautiful promise waiting at the “END OF OUR FAITH.”

The Word of God tells us that FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR, but at times it seems there is no more substance to our faith than the fading colors of a rainbow.  We claim things “by faith” only to find the “things” are no more than “refracted light.”  And we wonder…Is it worth it?  Are God’s promises more than just words in a book?  What lies at the END?

Although we cannot see the “End of the Rainbow” from our vantage point; although we reach out and try to hold the fading “colors” of refracted light, although at times our vision is filled with shattered dreams and empty hands, WE HAVE A PROMISE AT THE END OF OUR FAITH!  

Keep hoping, keep looking up, and keep moving forward to the PROMISE AT THE END OF YOUR FAITH-THE SALVATION OF YOUR SOUL!

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